Main / ППС / Gaar Valery Alfredovich
Gaar Valery Alfredovich

Gaar Valery Alfredovich


Senior lecturer of the Department

«Transport engineering and technologies»

Office 4308 +77013243624


Sphere of scientific interests

Fuel, lubricants and technical liquids effectiveness

Delivered disciplines

Automobile operational materials

Fuel, lubricants and technical liquids

Fundamentals of hydraulics and heating engineers



Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization


Work experience

1971 - 1977

Student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of Tselinograd Agricultural Institute

1976 - 1977

Machine-tractor workshop mechanic-controller of «Turgai» state farm inYereimentaudistrict, Tselinograd area

1977 - 1980

Chief power engineering specialist of «Turgai» state farm inYereimentau district, Tselinograd area

1980 - 1992

Chief engineer of Balkash district agricultural associations in Balkash district, Tselinograd area

1992 - 1994

Head of subsidiaryfarm of Stepnogorsk electrical networks

1994 - 2004

Director of the farm «Starobinskii» state farm in Arshalydistrict, Akmola area

2004 - 2010

Executive director of «Akzhar» Ltd. inArshaly district, Akmola area.

2010 to the present day

Assistant, then a senior lecturer of «Technical Service» department, and after the transformation of the department «Transport engineering and Technologies»


 Advanced training courses

2010 – 2011



S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University,  were trained at courses to improve lecturers pedagogical skills

S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, training courses «Modern information technologies in education. Distance learning methods»


Published works

  1. Влияние качества топливо-смазочных материалов на работу машинно-тракторного парка Вестник КазАТУ, 2010 г.
  2. Методические указания к учебной практике по управлению колесными и гусеничными машинами (для присвоения рабочей профессии – «тракторист-машинист»).
  3. Практикум для лабораторных работ по дисциплине «Топливо, смазочные материалы и технические жидкости».