Main / ППС / Gabdulina Ainur Zhumagazyevna
Gabdulina Ainur Zhumagazyevna

Gabdulina Ainur Zhumagazyevna


Candidate of historical science

Degree:act.Associate Professor

Теl.: 30-31-93


Dateofbirth: 07.12.1978



  1. The State University“Semey”; HistoricalDepartment. 1999
  2. AbayNational Pedagogical University, 2003-2004
  3. UK, University of Reading, Research Internship “English Language Enhancement Programme” (04.03.2013-14.08.2013) 
  4. UK, University of Reading, Institute of Education (01.10.2013-20.12.2013) PedagogicalInternship “Improving University Leadership, Management and Teaching and Learning Programme”

Work experience: 18years

  1. 1999-2001years: Teacher, Humanities and Economics College
  2. 2002-2008 years: Teacher, Semipalatinsk StatePedagogicalInstitute
  3. 2009 to the present – act., Associate Professor of the Kazakhstan History Department, SakenSeifullinKazATU.

Awards and gratitude

2011–Letter of Thanks by "Daryn" Republican scientific and practical center.

2011 - Letter of Thanks - 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2011 - Diploma and Letter of Thanks for active full-time participation by the International Forum "Youth - the future of diplomacy", 08.12.2011-20.12.2011, Moscow, Russia. - "Zhas-Otan"youth movement.

2012 - Certificate of honor for the 55th anniversary, S. SeifullinKazATU.

2017 - Certificate of honor for the 60th anniversary,SakenSeifullinKazATU

2017/2018 - Diploma, awarded the title "The best Methodist."

2020 - Letter of thanks for work and cooperation as an independent expert in the IAAR - 2019, 2020.

2020 - Letter of Thanks by The Bureau of Translation by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK for the creation of a video-course based on the book of the English historian L.Yordanova "History in Practice", prepared 25 video lectures in Russian, according to the program "New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language "within the framework of the State Program" Rukhanizhagyru ".

2020 - Letter of Thanks to cooperation as an independent expert by IAAR - 2019, 2020.

12/30/2020 Diploma I place in the republican pedagogical competition "Modern lessons: new methods and innovations."


  1. Courses for improving the teaching skills of teachers (2010-2011), SakenSeifullinKazATU.
  2. Advanced training courses at the Institute for Advanced Studies L. Gumilyov ENU, the program "Actual problems of the history of Kazakhstan" (08.06.2012-29.06.2012).
  3. Professional development Elsevier "Program of scientific publications Scopus and Thomson Reuters". - 2012, 2017, 2019, 2020
  4. International Program "Bolashak", UK, Reading University, Research Internship Scheme "English Language Enhancement Program" (01.03.2013-28.08.2013).
  5. Research and teaching internship of the international program "Bolashak" – UK, University of Reading, Institute of Higher Education (20.09.2013-25.12.2013). Pedagogical Internship “Improving University Leadership, Management and Teaching and Learning Program”.
  6. Advanced training at the educational and methodological seminar at KazUTB University "Innovative technologies in the teaching of the humanities" (duration - 72 hours), March 27-April 2, 2018
  7. Participation in the advanced training seminar at the seminar "Management in Education" - Astana, "Liberty Group LTD." - 12.11.2018-23.11.2018, 72 hours
  8. English courses at the International Mediterranean University. - Cyprus, Famagusta, 27.06-10.08.2019
  9. 20.02.2020 "Curatorlykmektebi" training seminar
  10. Online training "Technology for creating e-learning courses in the distance learning system based on LMSMoodle" - St. Petersburg, 21.04.2020
  11. Online webinar "Working in e-class", Moscow-14.04.2020
  12. 2020 - Creation of a video course based on the book of the English historian L. Yordanova "History in Practice", translated in 2020, and prepared 25 video lectures under the program "New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language "within the framework of the State Program "Rukhanizhagyru".
  13. The executor of the project until 31.12.2020 of the scientific, funded, grant project "Monitoring the state of the water fund, the main problems of water resources management." - JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security", Almaty, labor contract 01.08.2020.
  14. 2018-2020 the executor of an initiative scientific project at SakenSeifullinKazATU, Department of History of Kazakhstan. The result of the project is the publication of a collective monograph.

Scientificresearch:«The history of industrial development of Kazakhstan: social and ecological aspect in XX and XXI centuries», history of political repressions, routine life of prisoners of war and special settlers in Kazakhstan

Manual tutorials:

Culture of Kazakhstan in the XIX-early XX centuries-2012

The Modern History of Kazakhstan-2017,2018

Modern history of Kazakhstan in diagrams and tables,2020

Scientific publications

Author of over 50 scientific publications. The most important in the areas presented:

  1. Cultural heritage in the study of Turkic monuments. - Innovation and scientific research, their application in practice. (RSCI). - pp. 25-35. Warsaw, Poland. - 29.05.2012-31.05.2012
  2. Historical monuments of the Andronovculture .- (RSCI), pp. 46-62.-Poland, Wraclav. - 30.08.2012
  3. Monuments of the Turkic language and culture. - To the 160th anniversary of the publication of the work of academician ON. Betlink. - 149-152.-Yakutia, Russia, 2013
  4. Kazakh literature in the history of Kazakhstan.- Modern science. (RSCI). - p. 5-9. -Bydgoszcz, Poland. -30.012014-31.01.2014
  5. History of industrial development in Kazakhstan (on the example of the development of non-ferrous metallurgy in Eastern Kazakhstan) .- Ethnicities and cultures of the Ural-Volga region: history and modernity. (RSCI). - p. 245-250.-Ufa, Russia.-October 28, 2016
  6. Political repression of the national intelligentsia of Kazakhstan in the 30s of the twentieth century: pages of the past. - Novosibirsk, Russia (RSCI). - December 26, 2016
  7. Development of industrial development in Kazakhstan (on the example of the development of non-ferrous metallurgy) in the second half XX century.- "Ethnicities and cultures of the Ural-Volga region: history and modernity" (RSCI). - October 28, 2016.
  8. Kazakh intelligentsia of the early twentieth century. (on the example of life and activities of AzimbayLekerov)//“Kazakhs of Eurasia: history and culture.” - Omsk, October 19–20, 2016, (RSCI).
  9. Problems of the agrarian sector and industrial production in the economy of Kazakhstan.- Kazakh tarikhy. - (KKSON RK), No. 8 (155), 2017.
  10. Features of the everyday life of prisoners of war in East Kazakhstan in 1942-1952. - Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. - (KKSON RK), No. 4, 2017.
  11. Development of environmental protection measures in Kazakhstan - Kazakh tarikhy. - (KKSON RK), No. 2 (159), 2018.
  12. Demographic and migration processes in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XX - early XXI centuries. - Bulletin of the Surgut State University. -№2 (53), (RSCI), 2018.
  13. The history of the development of the merchants in the second half of the XIX - early XX, on the example of the Pleshcheev dynasty. - Volsk, Russia (RSCI) Volsk Military Institute. - No. 13, 2019.
  14. The history of the development of merchants and industry in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries, on the example of the Pleshcheev dynasty: Procopius, SemyonPleshcheev. - Bulletin of KazNPU them. Abay, No. 2 (61), 2019.
  15. Development of sanitary-industrial services for workers. - Kazakh tarikhy. - KKSON RK, No. 6 (173), 2019.
  16. To the history of the development of match production and flour mills in East Kazakhstan at the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX centuries. - Bulletin of AbayKazNPU, KKSON RK, No. 4 (60), 2019.
  17. Historical issues of industrial development in Kazakhstan in 1960-1990s: environmental consequences. - Kazakh tarikhy. - No. 9 (186), 2020.
  18. The concept of history in the modern educational process. - "Educational environment: theory and practice" May 28, 2020, RSCI, Astrakhan.
  19. Zh.Sadykov, M. Abdikarimova, A. Gabdulina, A. Makasheva, R. Takhtaeva, A. Savanshivaeva. The Main problems and direction of the effective development tourism // Journal of Environmental management and Tourism //, Volume 9, Number 6 (30), Issue 6 (30), ISSN 2068-7729, 2018, Percentile: 52%.
  20. Gabdulina A. Zh., G. Zhuman. The Higher Education system in Kazakhstan.// Espacios, Volume 40, Issue 2019.- Percentile: 22%.
  21. GabdulnaA.Zh., Dzhumagalyeva K.V., Akhmetova R.D, Aubakirova H.A. The history of development in industrial capital the merchant dynasty Pleshcheyev in outskirts Russian Empire.-BylyeGody. 2020. Vol. 55. Is. 1E-ISSN: 2310-0028, Issue: 1, 2020, Percentile: 87%.