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Gripp Elena Aleksandrovna

Gripp Elena Aleksandrovna


Senior lecturer of chair “Higher mathematics” 
Оffice 2418, phone: +7(7172)38-87-72


Sphere of scientific interests

Mathematics, methods of teaching mathematics, numerical methods for solving applied problems of mathematics

Delivered disciplines

Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Higher mathematics, Мathematical analysis


1983 – 1988 E.A. Buketov KarSU, Mathematic faculty of Mathematics
2016-2019 гг. master's degree, Togliatti State University, Russia, Togliatti

Work experience

1988 - 1992 Assistant of “Higher Mathematics” chair of Tselinograd Agricultural Institute;
1992 - up to the present time, senior lecturer of the Department of “Higher Mathematics”, S. Seifullin KATU.

Awards and honours

- Jubilee medal "60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU", - 2017
- Letter of thanks from the mayor of Nur-Sultan city, - 2018

Advanced training courses

–    “Distance educational technologies in higher education.” 12.02.2020-12.14.2020. Advanced training courses at the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan. Almaty. Certificate, reg №268.
–    Methods of teaching higher mathematics.” 29.11.2021- 10.12.2021, KazATU named after S.Seifullin. Nur-Sultan city. Certificate BA №04492
–    Introduction to mathematical modeling.” 10.18.2022- 11.01.2022. Advanced training courses, Russia, NOU INTUIT. 
–    Courses "Methodology of teaching sections of higher mathematics: linear differential equations and Euclidean structure", S. Seifullin KATRU, 2023.

Published works

More than 70 works were published.  More important among them close to the  mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Issakova G. O., Yessekeshova M. D., Gripp E. A., Ibrayeva K. Z., Alimkulova E. D.. Eluation of professional competencies of Kazakhstan university students. Opcion 35 (Special Issue 23), pp. 850-875, 2019. (In Russian)
  2. Askarova A., Gripp E.A, Yeleussizova G., Takabayev K. "Training of Students to Solve Practice-Oriented Problems in Non-Core Universities" "in the materials of the international conference" Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization ": Materials of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference, January 8-10, 2020. (In Russian)
  3. «Математика пәнін оқытудағы математикалық моделдеудің мәні». International Scientific Journal «Global Science and innovations 2021: Central Asia». Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, Oktober 2021, C. 94-98
  4. A. Askarova, Ye. Gripp, G. Yeleussizova, On one solution of a nonhomogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients. "Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization": Materials of the IX International Scientific-Practical Conference, Edinburgh,  January 5-7, 2022. С.80-83
  5. A. Askarova, Ye. Gripp, G. Yeleussizova, «Applying the method of mathematical modeling in the study of higher mathematics» in materials, VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of the Scientific Community in the Face of Global Problems of Our Time” in Kawasaki (Japan), February, 2023, P.55-59
  6. The features of solving logical problems by methods of discrete mathematics/  Conference Proceedings Academic Forum: Exploring Frontiers of Knowledge, 30.03.2024, Norway, Oslo, p.53-57