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Khamitova Gulzhazira Zhursinalievna

Khamitova Gulzhazira Zhursinalievna


Technical sciences candidate, associate professor

«Transport Equipment and Technologies» department

Office # 4308 mob.: 87475804700



Sphere of scientific interests

increasing the efficiency of operation of self-propelled mining equipment.

Disciplines read

Methodology and research methods. The theory of the car. Logistics.


1993 - 1998 Zhezkazgan University named after OA Baikonurov with a degree in Mining Machines and Equipment. Qualification "Mining Mechanical Engineer", Zhezkazgan. 2000 - 2004 Kazakh National Technical University (KazNTU) named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty. Postgraduate studies, specialty 05.05.06 - Mining machines.

Work experience

1998 - 2002 Assistant of the Department of Mining Machines and Equipment, Zhezkazgan University named after OA Baikonurov. 2003-2004 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mining Machines and Equipment, Zhezkazgan University named after OA Baikonurov. 2005-2010 Associate Professor of the Department of Mining Machines and Equipment, Zhezkazgan University named after O. A. Baikonurov 2010-2012 Head of the Department "Technological machines and standardization" of the Zhezkazgan University named after O. A. Baikonurov

2013-2019 Associate Professor of the Department of Transport and Technological Machines of the Zhezkazgan University named after O. A. Baikonurov

2019-2021 Head of the Department of Technological Machines and Construction of the Zhezkazgan University named after O. Baikonurov 2021 - present Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Engineering and Technology of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University.

The total teaching experience is 23 years.


Diplomas and letters of gratitude from the rector of ZhezU for many years of fruitful work and significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists,

2013-2016. • Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for many years of fruitful work and a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists,

  1. • Certificate for participation in the international scientific conference "International Trends in Science and Technology" (Warsaw, Poland),

2018 • Diploma for participation International scientific conference "The Goals of the World Science 2018" (Dubai, UAE.),

2018 • Winner of the title "Best Teacher of ZhezU - 2018" according to the results of the competition for the 2017-2018 academic year.


Advanced training courses

2018, March Training seminar "Preparation of a self-assessment report for higher education institutions within the framework of specialized accreditation." Independent Kazakhstani Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. Astana. Certificate 2019, June Training under the "Program for advanced training of teachers and managers of higher professional education" of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty. Certificate

2019, October Training on EP "Technological machines and equipment", course "Installation and operation of technological machines". Karaganda State Technical University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Karaganda city. Certificate.

2020, September Training on EP "Technological machines and equipment", "Transport, transport equipment and technologies", course Repair and reliability of technological machines and transport equipment (in a remote format). Scientific and Technical Center for Industrial Safety LLP, Karaganda. Certificate.

2021, January Organization of distance learning in the organization of education. LLP "Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training" BILIM "". Certificate.

2021, June Certificate of participation in National webinars within the framework of the project "KUTEL - Universities of Kazakhstan for improving quality assurance processes in teaching using new technologies" of the Erasmus + program

Published works

Author of over 60 scientific and methodological works, including 1 copyright certificate, 1 textbook recommended by the RUMS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, electronic textbooks and 5 teaching aids. The most important in the areas presented:

  1. Хамитова Г.Ж., Джунусов И.Ш. Обработка поверхности валка прокатного стана пескоструйным способом. Горный журнал Казахстана. № 1(153) 2018. Стр.44-46.

  2. Хамитова Г.Ж. Применение методов динамического программирования при управлении запасами оборотного фонда агрегатов горных машин. MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC EDITION INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY JOURNAL Web of Scholar. 2(20), Vol.1, February 2018. ISSN 2518-167X . Стр. 35-41. Международная  научная конференция  «The Goals of the World Science 2018» (Дубай, ОАЭ.).

  3. Khamitova G. Studying and assessing safety at work on underground transportation self-propelled equipment. MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC EDITION  INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY JOURNAL Web of Scholar (ISSN 2518-167X) 4(22), Vol.1, April 2018, pages 66-69.  Международная научная конференция «International Trends in Science and Technology» (Варшава, Польша).

  4. Хамитова Г.Ж., Жайсанбаев Н.А. Предельное значение эффективности скорости транспортных машин. Польский международный журнал научных публикаций Colloquium-journal. № 2 (13) 2018, Часть1.Стр.20-22.

  5. Хамитова Г.Ж., Сарсембаев Д.Ж. Анализ и перспективы развития транспортной отрасли Казахстана. Научный журнал Павлодарского государственного университета имени С. Торайгырова. ВЕСТНИК ПГУ, Энергетическая серия. № 4 (2019), С.15-22.

  6. Хамитова Г.Ж. Электронный учебник «Математические методы и модели расчета технологического оборудования». Авторское свидетельство № 5809 от 15.10.2019 г.

  7. Хамитова Г.Ж. «Технологиялық машиналарды жинақтау және пайдалану». Учебник, рекомендованный РУМС МОН РК, ISBN 978-601-7971-28-1, 2020 г., 12 печ.лист.