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Hamzina Bibigul Nurkenovna

Hamzina Bibigul Nurkenovna


Master of agricultural sciences, senior teacher of department of soil science and agrochemistry
Office 5120, ph. +7 (7172) 311308


Sphere of scientific interests

Soil Science. Plant nutrition.

Readable disciplines

Soil science, Soil rating, General geology, Soil research methods. Soil geography


1983-1988 - Tselinograd agricultural institute, agronomical faculty
2011-2013 - a magistracy, Kokshetausky state university of Sh. Ualikhanov, specialty 6M080800 - "Soil science and agrochemistry" 
2018-2021 – doctoral studies, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after. S. Seifullin, specialty 6D080800 – “Soil science and agrochemistry”


7/21/1988-7/24/1998 – The laboratory assistant of current with-z Bulayevsky Vozvyshensky district of the North Kazakhstan area
7/24/1998 - 6/20/2002 – Agronomist of Maybalyk peasant Farm of Vozvyshensky district of the North Kazakhstan area
7/17/2002 - 12/18/2002 – the acting leading expert of the seed inspector of the Tselinograd regional territorial administration of the MCX RK
8/25/2003 - 6/13/2008 – the assistant to department of agriculture of the Kazakh agrotechnical university
4/23/2012 - on the village of – the senior teacher of department of Soil science and agrochemistry

Professional development

  1. Internship in the field of "Soil mapping" in the amount of 36 hours from 5 to 25 December 2016. Registration No. 1064, Center for Geoinformation Technologies of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Nur Sultan.
  2. International seminar for advanced training "Methods of soil analysis", held on the basis of the Kazakh-German soil laboratory according to European standards in partnership with the Institute of Soil Science of the University of Leibniz Hannover, Germany, number of hours - 72, December 3-19, 2019.
  3.  “General Geology” - Astana, 3.10-14.10.22. "Kasipkor" Foundation for innovative and dual education. 72h. Certificate No. 00872
  4. “Assessment of the current state of soils and landscapes in Kazakhstan: geology, genesis, ecology. Modern methods of soil-agrochemical examination with the aim of involving lands in agricultural use.” Almaty, 11.24-12.09.2022 Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after. U.Uspanov." 72h. Certificate
  5. Current trends in the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of a university. Astana, 03/29-03/31/2023 KATU S.Seifullin, 36h, Certificate 05254
  6. Precursors. Industrial safety rules at hazardous production facilities. Astana, 04/26/2023, RCP LLP and PC “Atameken”, 5 hours. Certificate of testing knowledge on industrial safety No. 75/1


Author more than 42 scientific works. The most important in the presented directions:
1.    Нурманов Е.Т., Хамзина Б.Н. Продуктивность и качество семян сортов горчицы в зависимости от минерального питания и применения удобрений//«Международный сельскохозяйственный журнал», Екатеринбург, 2020. №2 (374) –С. 63-66
2.    B.Khamzina, B.Bulashev, Y.Nurmanov, T.Tultabayeva, N. Nurmukhanbetova, D.Toimbayeva, A.Igimbay, G.Myrzabayeva. The effects of ammonium phosphate fertilization on yield and yield components of Mustard varieties in chernozem soil. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 2023, 12(2), 169-176
3.    Нурманов Е.Т. Хамзина Б.Н. Топырақ қасиеттері мен минералды ыңайтқыштардың қышаның Профи сортының өнімділігіне әсері. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического исследовательского университета им. С.Сейфуллина. 2023. - №1 (116). – Б.138- 149
4.    B.Khamzina, E.T. Nurmanov. Optimization of the mineral nutrition conditions of mustard. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического исследовательского университета им. С.Сейфуллина. – 2023. - №1 (116). – P.62-72.