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Khapova Alyona

Khapova Alyona


Мaster, Senior lecture of

«Management and Marketing» chair,

Office 1410, tel. +7(7172)39-82-08


Sphere of scientific interests

Market research in the field of promoting the national brand.

Delivered disciplines

Marketing of goods and services, organization and management of social and domestic service, international advertising, international marketing


2001-2005  Institute of Management,  Astana, Faculty of Economics, speciality -customs

2005-2007  Institute of Management, Astana, Faculty of Economics, Bachelor of state of local government

2012–2014 Masters program,  Humanitarian-Technical Academy, Kokshetau, Faculty of Economics, specialty "Economics"

Work experience

2005-2007  - Institute of Management, Astana

2007 to present time S.Seifullin KATU

Awards and diplomas

Certificate of  Merit "55 years of S.Seifullin KATU ", 2012

Diploma in the nomination " University leaders", 2015

Certificate of  Merit "60th anniversary of the University", 2017

Certificate of  Merit "Effective curator", 2019

Advanced training courses

1. "Modern information technologies in education", Seminar, LLC "Ai Pi Er Media", Astana, 2016

2. "Game Theory in Economics and Management" Seminar, L.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, 2016

3. "Anti-corruption Management Systems" Certificate, NurSultan, 2019.

4. "Distance learning technologies in training" Certificate, 72 hours, 2020

5. "Professional Kazakh (Russian) language" Certificate, 72 hours, 22022

Publiched works


  1. Хапова А.В., Карабасов Р.А., Саметова Р.М. Пути повышения эффективности управления предприятиями АПК, созданных в результате приватизации. Международная научно-теоретическая конференция Сейфуллинские чтения-10 «Новые перспективы подготовки конкурентноспособных кадров и роль науки в формировании индустри-ально-инновационной политики страны»,   23 октября 2014 года Астана
  2. Хапова А.В., Карабасов Р.А., Саметова Р.М., Нуртаева Ж.Ш., ПРОВЕДЕНИЕ SWOT-АНАЛИЗА ДЛЯ ПОСТРОЕНИЯ ДИСТРИБУЦИИ КОМПАНИИ Путь науки Международный научный журнал, № 4 (14), 2015 C. 25-27.
  3. Хапова А.В., Карабасов Р.А. Взаимосвязь развития сельских территорий с политикой обеспечения кадрами АПК. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Экономические проблемы индустриально-инновационного развития агропромышленного комплекса: состояние и перспективы » 15 января 2016 года Астана.
  4. Khapova A.V., Karabasov R. A. consideration of psychological factors in the process of rendering services, Seifullin readings 13: preservation of traditions, creation of the future, 21.04.2017
  5.  Khapova A.V., Karabasov R. A., Management of service enterprises taking into account the peculiarities of the mentality of the internal and external environment of the organization, Seifullin readings 13: preserving traditions, creating the future, 04/21/2017
  6.  Khapova A.V. The main economic problems of the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan, collection of articles of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference, April 30, 2018.
  7. Khapova A.V., Karabasov R. A., Development of organic agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan as an innovative direction in the agro-industrial complex. Materials of the scientific and practical conference Seifullin readings 18 (2) (Science of the XX1 century the era of transformation), Astana, 2022