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Ibatayev Zharkyn Abykenovich

Ibatayev Zharkyn Abykenovich


Candidate of chemical sciences,a head of physics and chemistry’s chair

Office 2418, Phone: +7(7172)38-96-46



Sphere of scientific interests

Organic chemistry, Chemistry natural compounds

Delivered disciplines

Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Pharmaceutical chemistry

Teaching courses

(At present and for the last 5 years)

Chemistry, Physical and colloid chemistry, Pharmaceutical chemistry

The main research directions

Organic chemistry, Chemistry natural compounds


1998-2002           Bachelor of chemistry, S. Amanzholov EKSU

2002-2004           Master of chemical sciences, S. Amanzholov EKSU

2006-2008           Candidate of chemical sciences 


2002-2010           Teacher of D. Serikbayev EKSTU

2010-2013           Senior teacher, docent of KSTU

2014-2016           Senior scientist worker of Institute of Applied Chemistry L.N. Gumilyov ENU

Since 2016           Senior teacher of S.Seifullin Kazak agrotechnical University

Advanced training courses

  1. The certificate of participation in a master class "Possibilities of a method of NMR-spectroscopy in the analysis of structure and structure of substances", S. Amanzholov EKSU, 2009.
  2. The certificate of passing of a course of increase in "Physical Chemistry", al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, 2009.
  3. The certificate on participation in a master class in work on a raster microscope of JSM-6390LV with system of the power dispersive microanalysis of Inca Energy, D. Serikbayev East Kazakstan state technical university, 2009.
  4. Certificate on a course on the device Specord 50 (Analitik Jena AG (Germany)), JSC «Spektrolab», Karagandy, 2011.
  5. The catalytic processing of heavy oils and oil residue in the presence of catalytic nanocomposite additives, Y.A. Buketov Karagandy State University, 2012.
  6. The certificate at the rate of the lecture "The Latest Luminescent Nanotechnologies in Biology and Medicine", the Eurasian National university, Astana, 2014.
  7. Certificate of the course on GC/MS Clarus SQ8, JSC Scheltec AG, Astana, 2015


  1. Газалиев А.М., Бакбардина О.В., Ибатаев Ж.А.,  Ибраев М.К. Изучение взаимодействия тиомочевины с некоторыми биогенными аминами // Хими­ческий журнал Казахстана: Специальный выпуск №16. Алматы, 2007. – С. 69-70
  2. Газалиев А.М., Исабаева М.Б., Ибатаев Ж.А. Синтез N,S-гетероциклических соединений на основе тиомочевин. – Монография, изд-во Ламберт, Германия, 2011. – 112 с.
  3. Усманова М.Б., Сакарьянова Қ.Н., Ибраев М.К., Ибатаев Ж.Ә: Химия пәні бойынша тест материалдарында кездесетін қателіктер // Химия мектепте, №3. – 2013. – Б. 52-55.
  4. Diego A. Sampietro, Emilio F. Lizarraga, Zharkyn A. Ibatayev, Akerke B. Omarova, Yerlan M. Suleimen & Cesar A. N. Catalán Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Acantholippia deserticolaArtemisia proceriformisAchillea micrantha and Libanotis buchtormensis against phyto­pathogenic bacteria and fungi // Natural Product Research, 2015, No. 1. – P.1-6.
  5. Suleimen E.M., Ibatayev Zh.А., Iskakova Zh.B., Ishmuratova M.Yu., Ross S.A., Martins C.H.G. Constituent Composition and Biological Activity of Essential Oil from Artemisia terrae-albae // Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 52 (1), 2016. – P. 173-175.