Main / ППС / Imashev Mahsut Koychubekovich
Imashev Mahsut Koychubekovich

Imashev Mahsut Koychubekovich


Retired colonel,

lecturer of the military department

Office 213, tel. +7 (7172) 39-40-28 (206)


Sphere of Scientific  interests
Operation of military vehicles (registration documents for the current, average, major repairs, cancellation of motor vehicles and property)

Delivered  disciplines
Drill, Statutes of the Armed Forces, military topography, traffic rules, traffic safety and the basics right motor, fire training, automotive service and military road transport, maintenance of military vehicles

1986 - 1991  Kazakh Agricultural Institute, specialty "Agronomy"

Work experience
1983-1985 actual military service
1994  military service
1994 commander of a platoon of motor companies material support
1994-1995  Head of the transmitting radio center site command post communications
1995-2008  Head of the technical automotive service
2008 -2011 A senior officer of armament automotive service management
2011-2013 Head of Automotive Service
2013 to the present teacher of the military department of the Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin

Awards and Honours
- Medal "Қазақстан Республикасына 10 жыл"
- Medal "10 Years of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan"
- Medal "20 Years of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan"
- Medal of I degree "Мінсіз қызметі үшін"
- Medal of II degree " Мінсіз қызметі үшін "
- Diploma of the air-in-Chief of Defence Forces
- Diploma of the Commander of Air Defense Forces of Kazakhstan

Advanced Training courses
Courses "Organization of pedagogical activities in the military departments," Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014

Published works
1.  Толкачев М.Ф., Мериняну Д.И., Ергалиев К.Д., Имашев М.К. Автомобильная служба и воинские автомобильные перевозки / учебное пособие, 2015г.

2. Ергалиев К.Д., Имашев М.К. Методическое указание по проведению занятий по предмету эксплуатация военной автомобильной техники, 2016г.