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Izbastina Klara Serzhankyzy

Izbastina Klara Serzhankyzy


acting Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at
the Department of «Biology, Plant Protection
and Quarantine», Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Office 5303, phone .+7 702 539 23 34


Research interests

Flora, geobotany, rare and endangered plants, plant introductions, resource studies


Plant physiology, general biology of organisms, Structure and taxonomy of coastal and aquatic plants, Forest botany and physiology of woody plants.

The main research area

in the field of fundamental and applied research on biodiversity conservation, study of the anatomical and morphological structure of plants, in population studies of rare plants and geobotanical research.



Bachelor - K. Aktobe State University named after
Zhubanov, biologist;


Master's degree - K. Aktobe Regional State University
named after Zhubanov, Master of Natural Sciences;


Doctoral studies – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
(Ph.D), 6D061300 - “Geobotany”.


Work experience

2001 - 2007

Secondary school №. 33, Aktobe, ecology teacher;

2007 - 2014

Gymnasium № 51, Aktobe, biology teacher;

2014 - 2016

Department of Biology, K. Aktobe Regional State University
named after Zhubanov, teacher;

2016 - 2019

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, doctoral studies in the
Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources;

2018 – 2023



Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Plants and Plant Resources,
Branch of the Astana Botanical Institute garden of the branch of the RSE “Institute
of Botany and Phytointroduction” of the KLKHZM MENR RK;

From 2020 to the present Kazakh Scientific Research Agrarian University
named after S. Seifullin, senior lecturer at the Department of Biology, Plant
Protection and Quarantine, acting. Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy


Training of personnel

currently supervising 2 bachelor, 1 doctoral student.

Awards and achievements

More than 60 scientific papers have been published in domestic and foreign publications.

Advanced training

1. 12-12-2021-24-12-2021, Nur-Sultan, Akmola region, Kazakhstan, IMPERIAL ENGLISH UK, "Modern methodologies and use of educational technologies for teaching in Kazakhsan";
2. 18-02-2022-13-05-2022, Nur-Sultan, Akmola region, Kazakhstan, KATU named after. S. Seifullina, “Methodology for planning the educational process in biological disciplines in undergraduate education”;
3. 25-10-2021-05-11-2021, Nur-Sultan, Akmola region, Kazakhstan, KATU named after. S. Seifullina, "Reform of the undergraduate degree at KATU named after S. Seifullin - biological disciplines of the second year of study";
4. 22-11-2021-03-12-2021, Nur-Sultan, Akmola region, Kazakhstan, KATU named after. S. Seifullina, "Microbiology";
5. 02-11-2022-15-11-2022, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar Pedagogical University, “Inclusive education: neuropsychological aspect”;
6. 14-12-2022-27-12-2022, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, Karaganda University named after. Buketova, “Methods for microscopic examination of plant objects and determination of germination of seed material”;
7. 09-02-2023-25-02-2023, Nur-Sultan, Akmola region, Kazakhstan, KAZUSA company, “Electronic textbooks as a means of digital transformation of the educational process”;
8. 03-03-2023-07-04-2023, Nur-Sultan, Akmolinskaia oblast, Kazakhstan, "Bilim-Orkenieti" Republican Kazakhstan teacher training and retraining center "Modern methods of teaching and evaluation of the results of training in higher education";
9. 27-11-2023-07-12-2023, SKLAD «Educational spaces꞉ international approaches and sustainable solutions for creating a prosperous educational environment»;
10. 23.11.2023-29.11.2023, Russia, Tomsk, Tomsk State University, "Ecological physiology of agricultural plants (study of the influence of various environmental factors on productivity, quality of plant material and plant resistance");
11. 04-03-2024-19-03-2024 Karaganda, Kazakhstan, Karaganda University named after Buketova, "Actual problems of biological science and teaching of biological disciplines".

Republican and international meetings

  • «Conservation of biodiversity and effective use of biological resources» Republican scientific conference (Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2016);
  • «Problems of Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Resources» International Scientific Conference (Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2016);
  • PlantGen 2017, IV International Conference (Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2017);
  • «Actual problems of ecological genetics and experimental biology» International scientific and practical conference (Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2018);
  • IV (XII) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists in St. Petersburg (Russia. St. Petersburg, 2018);
  • 2ND International Conference «Smart Bio» 2018 (Lithuania. Kaunas, 2018);
  • International scientific conference of students and young scientists «Farabi Alemi» (Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2018, 2019);
  • EUROASIA Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends-VIII (Philippines. Zambales, 2021);
  • International Marmara scientific research and innovation congress ( Istanbul, 2021).

Scientific publications

More than 60 scientific papers, 1 monograph, 1 illustrated catalog, 1 patent,
1 textbook have been published in domestic and foreign publications and scientific conferences. Of these, 6 articles were published in the Scopus database.
1. Kubentayev S.A., Zhumagu M.Zh., Kurmanbayeva M.S., Alibekov D.T., Kotukhov J.A., Sitpayeva G.T., Mukhtubayeva S.K., Izbastina K.S. Current state of populations of Rhodiola rosea L. (Crassulaceae) in East Kazakhstan // Botanical Studies, 2021.DOI:
2. Kubentayev, S.A., Y.A Kotukhov, S.K. Mukhtubaeva, B.B. Kubentayeva, K.S. Izbastina, A.E. Khalymbetova. Current state of populations and ontogenesis Allium altaicum Pall. (Amaryllidaceae) in Kazakhstan // Pakistan Journal of Botany 2022. DOI:
3. Kubentayev S.A., Levichev I.G., Sitpayeva G.T., Mukhtubayeva S.K., Izbastina K.S. First records of five species of Gagea (Liliaceae), new in the Kazakhstan flora // Nature Conservation Research, 2021 DOI:
4. Kubentayev S.A.,Efimov P.G., Alibekov D.T., Kupriyanov A.N., Izbastina K.S., Khalymbetova A.E., Perezhogin Yu.V. Review of Orchidaceae of the northern part of Kazakhstan // PhytoKeys, 2023. 229: 185-213. DOI:
5. Kurmаnbаyevа M., Bаzаrgаliyevа А., Аblаikhаnovа N., Inelovа Z., Moldаkаryzovа А., Mukhtubаevа S., Turuspekov Y. Morphologicаl, аnаtomicаl structure аnd moleculаr phylogenetics of Аnthemis Trotzkiаnа Clаus // Pak. J. Bot., 52(3): 935-947, 2020. DOI:
6. Kubentayev SA, Alibekov DT, Perezhogin YV, Lazkov GA, Kupriyanov AN, Ebel AL, Izbastina KS, Borodulina OV, Kubentayeva BB. Revised checklist of endemic vascular plants of Kazakhstan. PhytoKeys. 2024 Feb 28;238:241-279. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.238.114475
7. Kubentaev S.A., Kotukhov Yu.A., Izbastina K.S., Sarkytbaeva A.K., Zhumagul M.Zh., Mukhtubaeva S.K. Ecological-phytocenotic timing and seasonal rhythm of development of Paeonia anomala L. in Eastern Kazakhstan // Herald of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketova Series Biology. Medicine. Geography". 2021. №3(103): 80-86. DOI 10.31489/2021BMG3/80-86
8. Aidarkhanova G.S., Izbastina K.S., Kozhina Zh.M., Sadyrbekov D.T. Variability of the composition of essential oils in the needles of Pinus Sylvestris L. in the territory of the Burabay State National Park and the city of Nur-Sultan // News of the National Academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan Series Chemistry and Technology, 2022. № 451 (2): 6-21.
9. Kubentaev S.A., Kotukhov Yu.A., Zhumagul M.Zh., Izbastina K.S., Alibekov D.T., Mukhtubaeva S.K. Ecological and biological features and phytocenotic structure of Rhodiola quadrifida populations in Eastern Kazakhstan // Vestnik KazNU. Biological series. 2021. № 4 (89): 63-72.
10. Kubentaev S.A., Izbastina K.S., Alibekov D.T., Zhumagul M.Zh., Idrisova Zh.T., Borodulina O.V. Ecological and phytocenological description of rare plant populations of the Burabay National Park // Vestnik KazNU. Biological series. Volume 93 № 4 (2022): C. 14-23.
11. Kuanyshbaev N.K., Yusupova M.A., Galymbek K., Mukhambetova A.A., Izbastina K.S., Mukhtubaeva S.K., Zhamangara A.K. Assessment of winter hardiness and decorative properties of cultivated juniper varieties in the conditions of the city of Nur-Sultan // "Bulletin of KazNU" Ecology series. №1 (70): 94-17.
12. Abdildanov D.Sh., Veselova P.V., Kudabaeva G.M., Kurmanbaeva M.S., Abash A.S., Izbastina K.S. Analysis of the representation of species of the genus Allium L. of the flora of the Aral-Balkhash region in the Herbarium (AA) // BULLETIN OF ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. Series Biological Sciences. 2023. № 3(144): 40-53. DOI: 10.32523/2616-7034-2023-144-3-40-53
13. Dostemessova A.B., Ametov A.A., Kurmanbayeva M.S., Izbastina K.S. Biomorphological and phytochemical parameters of Chelidonium majus L. in the conditions of Kungei-Alatau // Bulletin of Karaganda University Series: Biology. Medicine. Geography. 2023. 3(111): 57-67.
14. Kubentaev S.A., Levichev I.G., Alibekov D.T., Izbastina K.S., Kubentaeva B.B. Gagea Kamelinii - a rare species of flora of Kazakhstan: distribution, morphology and phytocenotic characteristics // Bulletin of the Al- Farabi Treasury. Ecology series. 2023. №3 (76): 85-92.
15. Mukhtubaeva S.K., Izbastina K.S., Zhumagul M.Zh., Abubakirova N.B., Kubentaeva B.B. Review of the genus Tulipa L. flora of Central and Northern Kazakhstan // Vestnik KazNU. Biological series, 2023. № 4 (97): 19-29.
16. Zhumagul M.Z., Mukhtubayeva S.K., Kubentayev S.A., Izbastina K. S., Abubakirova N.B., Rustemova A.D. A study of the cenopopulations and ontogenetic structure of Adonis wolgensis in the Akmola region // Bulletin of Karaganda University // Series “Biology. Medicine. Geography». 2023. № 4 (112): 159-166. DOI 10.31489/2023BMG4/159-166.
17. Izbastina K.S., Aidarkhanova G.S., Dosanova B.B., Arystanbay A.Ә., Uspanova N.S. Assessment of the elemental composition of Anthemis trotzkiana Claus in the regions of Western Kazakhstan // ''CHRONOS'': multidisciplinary sciences Volume 6 #2(64), 2022, 3-8. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
18. Uspanova N., Izbastina K., Arystanbay A. Regarding the mechanisms of action of aliphatic hydrocarbons on the animal repreductive system // Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 85/2022, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES