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Kalashinova Lyazat Kuandykovna

Kalashinova Lyazat Kuandykovna


PhD, senior lecturer of the department

biological sciences

Office 5303, telephone: 38-39-01



Sphere of scientific interests

Oxidative stress plants and animals caused by the influence of heavy metals and salts on the organism

Delivered disciplines

Genetics, General and Molecular Genetics, Veterinary Genetics, Genetics with biometrics

The main research area

Protective role of antioxidant enzymes under stress. Enzyme induction. The significance of the diversity of genotype and ecotype



Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumileva, Natural-Technical Institute


Master study at L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences


PhD Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumileva, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences


Work experience


Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology and Biotechnology  ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov


Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Services of «Turan-Astana» University


Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences of the Kazakh Humanitarian University


Senior Lecturer, Department of Morphology and Physiology, KATU named after S. Seifullin

Since 2018

Senior Lecturer at The Biological Sciences Department of Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin


Awards, certificates of honor, letters of thanks

  • «Letter of thanks in honor of the 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU», 2017.

Advanced training

  • Course on «Implementation of the basic principles of the Bologna process and the introduction of ECTS in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan», Republican State Enterprise «National Center for Educational Quality Assessment», 28-29 December, 2010.
  • Course Tamos University Suite (76 hours), Center for Innovative Learning Technologies «Turan-Astana» University, 2011.
  • Seminar on «The use of interactive teaching methods at the lectures and seminars at the university», Research Center of innovative educational and information technologies, 2013.
  • Courses «Programming in Python», 72 hours from 25.11-25.12.2019.
  • English courses ASBT 1.07.2019-31.08.2019, 120 hours General English CEFR B1.
  • English courses ASBT 1.09.2019-18.01.2020, 120 hours General English CEFR B2 (18.01.2020).
  • English courses ASBT 1.02.2020-1.07.2020 IELTS.

Republican and international meetings

  • International Seminar on «ERA Software package for environmentalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Version 2.0. Newfeatures» Institute for further training KATU named after S. Seifullin, 09.06-11.06.2015.
  • International seminar «Writing research papers for journals and making your teaching and learning task-based in multilingual context», Center for the Development of International Cooperation and Multilingual Education KATU named after S. Seifullin, September 2-4, 2015.
  • Professor Paul Singh (California, Davis) - the seminar on «Design of Education system - curriculum, discipline and exercises to improve the efficiency of the education system», Astana, 19.10.2016.
  • International Research Forum «Academic Integrity: Issues and Perspectives. Best Practices». KazGUU University, 2016.
  • Seminar on «Best Practices and alternatives of using animals in Education and Professional training», Astana, 16 June, 2016.


            Author of over 20 scientific papers. The most important in the areas presented:

  1. Калашинова Л.К. и др. Изменения цитологических показателей крови под действием пятиокиси ванадия // Сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы образования и науки на современном этапе», Кокшетау, 2005. том 2, С. 257-261;
  2. A. Shalakhmetova, L.K. Kalashinova, G.ZH. Segizbaeva, Z.A. likulov & S.M. Shaikhin. Embryonic abscisic acid and pre-harverst sprouting in wheat. Вестник ЕНУ им Л.Н.Гумилева. Астана, 2006. С. 79 – 86;
  3. L.K. Kalashinova, G.ZH. Segizbaeva, Z.A. Alikulov. Effects of pre-sown seeds priming on the activity of molybdenum containing enzymes of halophyte Aeluropus Litoralis // Мат. научно-практ.конф. «Валихановские чтения-12»20-22 апреля. Кокшетау, 2007. Том 4. С. 474-477;
  4. L.K. Kalashinova, G.ZH. Segizbaeva, Z.A. Alikulov, Moshe Sagi. Infiltration of molybdenum in halophyte seeds ofter priming. Вестник ЕНУ им Л.Н.Гумилева № 6 (67) 2008. - С. 226-230;
  5. Калашинова Л.К. Изменения в активности ферментов в условиях окислительного стресса, вызванного действием тяжелых металлов и засоления «Вестник науки» КазГАТу им С.Сейфуллина 2009, №3. - С. 93-98.
  6. Ашимов С.А., Ашимова К.К., Калашинова Л.К., Жунусова Э.С. Дуальное обучение в системе технического и профессионального образовани. Вопросы современной педагогики и психологии: свежий взгляд и новые решения: сборник научных трудов по материалам международной научно-практической конференции, выпуск № 3, 10 марта 2016г. ИЦРОН, Екатеринбург, С. 112-113.
  7. Рахимжанова Д.Т., Калашинова Л.К., Лидер Л.А. Результаты исследования крови жеребят при оксиурозе. Инновации в науке: материалам LII Междунар. науч.-практ.конф. Ч.1. - Новосибирск, 2015. - №12 (49). - С.101-107.
  8. Рахимжанова Д.Т., Калашинова Л. К., Казиханова С. Р.Опыт применения компьютерных технологий при организации и проведении инновационных лекций. Педагогический опыт: теория, методика, практика : материалы IV Междунар. науч.–практ. конф. (Чебоксары, 30 окт. 2015 г.) / редкол.: О. Н. Широков [и др.]. – Чебоксары: ЦНС «Интерактив плюс», 2015. – № 3 (4). – ISSN 2412-0529.
  9. Implications of separate feeding technology in sucking lambs of fat-tailed breeds of Kazakhstan farms fat-tailed lambs. Rashit Kazikhanov, Nurlybai Kazhgaliev, Saule Kazikhanova, Kymbat Shaikenova Seisembay Imbai, Zhibek Nurlankyzy and Lyazzat Kalashinova. BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH, 2017 14(4): 1103-1109. 22 Dec. 2017