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Kalbekova Gulfira Koylanovna

Kalbekova Gulfira Koylanovna


Assistant at the Department

of Land Management and Geodesy, 

hydraulic engineer-engineer

Office 6113, Tel:87011271719              

E - mail:


Sphere of scientific interests  water economy, irrigation, hydrological researches and introduction in an educational process.

Delivered disciplines topography, topographical mapping, geodesy, cartography, professional  Russian, digital cartography, professional Kazakh, aerophototopography.


1996 - 2002 Zhambul  State University  named after M.Kh . Dulati, hydromeliorative faculty, Water "conservation" specialty, hydraulic engineer

Labour experience

  1992 – 2002 Zhambul hydromeliorative institute,Taraz state  university named after М.Kh. Dulati

  2004 -  2016 Assistant at the department of geodesy

Advanced  training courses

Certificate about in-plant training (2011-2012), Certificate about completion of the controlled distance education, gratitude letter dedicated to the 55-th anniversary of  "Estimation" department, S.Seifullin KAZATU


"Water resources and water consumption in Akmolinsk area", "Dynamics of subsoil waters of Nura and Ishim rivers". Reclamative-hydrological events in Astana, revival of Aral sea, results of prosperity in Central Asia.