Main / ППС / Kalenov Galymzhan Kendebayuly
Kalenov Galymzhan Kendebayuly

Kalenov Galymzhan Kendebayuly


Candidate of technical sciences

head of department

Department "Transport equipment and technologies"

Room 4308. Tel.: 8/7172/397309



Scientific direction

Influence of vehicle dynamic properties on road safety


1998-2003 Faculty of Mechanics and Technology of Korkyt Ata KSU, specialty "Organization of traffic"

2004-2007 Postgraduate student of the department "Organization and traffic safety" Moscow Automobile and Road Institute (STU)


2008-2010 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department of Informatization of Education, KorkytAt KSU

2010-2012 Leading expert of the Institute of the Bologna Process of the National Center for Educational Quality Evaluation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2012-2014 Senior lecturer, head of the department "Organization of traffic and technical service" of Korkyt-Ata KSU

2014-2016 Rector Bolashak University

From 2018 - to the present, senior lecturer, acting head Department "Transport equipment and tech." NAO KATU named after S. Seifullin

Awards, honorary diplomas

Medal named after A. Baitursynov, 2015


Publications in KZ

  1. "Analysis of ways to reduce CO2 emissions by vehicles" "L.N. Gumilyov atyndagy EҰU khabarshysy”. Tekhnikalyk gylymdar zhane tekhnologiyalar series magazines №2(139)/2022
  2. Methodology for determining probabilistic indicators of road safety. Journal "Search", Series of natural and technical sciences, Almaty, 2010, No. 1, pp. 319-324.
  3. Issues of efficient and safe driving in difficult conditions. "Bulletin of Kazdor Research Institute", Almaty, 2009, No. 3-4, pp. 99-104.
  4. Indicators of the quality of driving, characterizing the safe driving mode. “Bulletin of KazATC named after. M. Tynyshpaeva, Almaty, 2009, No. 6, pp. 80-86

Publications in the RSCI

  1. Vehicle safety. SCIENCE AND WORLD International scientific journal № 2 (102), 2022 Volgograd. pp 50-54
  2. Dynamic properties of the car and road safety. Magazine "Motor transport enterprise" - 2008. - No. 6. pp. 27 - 30.
  3. Increase of active safety of road traffic Science journal of transportation, 2011. Science journal of transportation. 2010. No. 2 International cooperatijn Journals MADI-SWJTU-UTS. pp. 31-37