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Kargulova Aliya Nurymova

Kargulova Aliya Nurymova


Master's Degree «of Radio Engineering, Electronics and

Telecommunications of the department "Electric Power Supply»

Adviser of the Department of «Power Supply»

Office 1218  

Contact phone: 7(7172)38-88-36, +77075198408


Sphere of research (Research interests)

Methods for assessing the quality of speech reproduction in IP telephony with statistical analysis on the example of JSC «Transtelecom»



Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaeva, specialty «Radio communication and radio navigation», qualification «Radio Engineer»


Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshpaeva Master's degree in «Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications»


Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshpaeva Doctoral degree in «Radio engineering, electronics and Telecommunications»

Work experience

2007 – 2010

Lecturer of the Department «Radio Engineering and Telecommunications» Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshpaeva

2010 – 2018

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshpaeva

2018 – 2021

Senior lecturer of the Department «Radio Engineering and Telecommunications» Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshpaeva

from 2021 to the present

Adviser of the Department of «Power Supply» of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin



- In 2016 (12.09.2016. to 23.09.2016) she was trained at professional refresher courses on the topic "Distance learning technologies in the educational process" in JSC "KazATK". In the amount of 72 hours, there is a certificate.

- In 2018 Participated in a seminar for universities and colleges on the topic "Digital technologies in education" at the University "Turan". In the amount of 72 hours, there is a certificate.

- In 2019 (17.04.2019 to 16.05.19), she successfully completed the training program at the professional training courses "Public Speaking" in JSC "KazATK". In the amount of 18 hours, there is a certificate.

- In 2020 (09.06.2020 to 19.06.2020), she successfully completed the training program at the professional training courses "Information and Communication technologies in education" at KazATK JSC. In the amount of 72 hours, there is a certificate.

- In 2020 (05.01 to 17.01.2020), she was trained at professional refresher courses on the topic "Modern telecommunication technologies in transport", in the amount of "NC "KTZ" SHCH-33.

- In 2020 (20.01.2020 to 25.01.2020), she took courses of seminars and trainings on the topic "Innovative learning technologies in the areas of technical disciplines" at NT "Consulting company". In the amount of 72 hours, there is a certificate.

- In 2020 (05.10..2020 to 16.10.2020), she took advanced training courses on the topic "Organization of technical operation of communication facilities on the railway network" at the Research Center "Development of the transportation process". In the amount of 72 hours, there is a certificate.

Published works

1. Experimental determination of the spectral power density of a speech message and its approximation - Bulletin of KazATK. No. 4(107), Almaty. 2018, pp. 313-319.

2. Data transfer rate for LORAWAN - Bulletin of KazATK No. 2(101), Almaty. 2017, pp. 196-199.

3. Introduction of M2M market in Kazakhstan - Bulletin of KazATK No. 3(102), Almaty. 2017, pp. 66-70.

4. Proposal for improving parameter control in the design and construction of the VOLS highway - Bulletin of KazATK No. 2(97), Almaty. 2016, pp. 109-113

5. Criteria and methods for assessing the quality of speech reproduction - Bulletin of KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev (Special issue), Volume 2, Almaty. 2019 - pp. 148-154.

6. On the evaluation of the quality of IP telephony by the criterion of the signal ratio/ shum - Bulletin of KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev (Special issue), Volume 2, Almaty. 2019 - pp. 160-163.

7. Reduction of data processing error of heterogenic system laser sensing - XXIV International-al Symposium, Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics, 2018, Tomsk, Russian Federation (Scopus), ISSN: 0277-786X, Percentile - 21.

8. Analysis of research methods for assessing the quality of oral Kazakh speech messages - No. 8. 2019. Scientific and practical journal "Modern Science", Moscow - from 117-121.

9. Analysis of speech intelligibility in operational and technological communication networks in sections of the same road transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan - No.8. 2019. Scientific and practical journal "Modern Science" - Moscow, pp. 122-127.