Main / ППС / Kasymkanov Bolat Zhumagazievich
Kasymkanov Bolat Zhumagazievich

Kasymkanov Bolat Zhumagazievich


 Retired  сolonel,
 deputy chief of the military department
 Office 205, tel. +7 (7172) 39-40-28 (202)

Sphere of Scientific interests
Priority directions of development of engineering support in modern conditions

Delivered disciplines
Methods of educational work, a common tactic

1986 - 1991  Kaliningrad Higher Engineering School of  Engineering troops, specialty "Engineering armament"
2003 - 2005    Military Engineering Academy of the Ministry of Defence The Russian Federation, specialty "military control units and formations (Army Corps of Engineers) "

Work experience
1991  At the disposal of the commander of the Turkestan IN
1991-1992  The commander of the platoon mine layers separate engineering battalion
1992-1993  At the disposal of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1993-1994  The commander of the engineering company
1994  deputy battalion commander for armaments - head of the technical part
1994-1996  Commander
1996  Head of the storage department (materiel) (engineering troops)
1996-1997  Head of mobilization group (engineering troops)
1997-1998  Head of group mobilization  (engineering troops)
1998-2000   arms control department officer of the engineer troops of the Department of operational support of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
2000  arms control department officer of the engineer troops of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
2000-2001   arms control department officer of the engineer troops of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
2001- 2002  biennium. The senior officer of armament engineering troops of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
2002-2003  A senior officer of armament control department of engineer armament of the Main Directorate of the engineer troops
2003-2005  Student Military Engineering University of Defense of the Russian Federation
2005- 2007   Senior officer of the Department of Engineering - Logistics Management Engineering Troops of Defense of Kazakhstan JCS Special Forces Department
2007-2009  Head of planning of technical maintenance management engineering troops home Special Troops
2009-2011  Deputy Head of Department - Head of the special forces troops control engineering department of the Main Staff of the Office of the Chief of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces
2011-2013  Head of the Engineering Troops Department - Head of the Office of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces Chief of Land Forces
2014  to the present Deputy Chief of the military department of the Kazakh Agro Technical University named after  S.Seifullin

Awards and Honours
- The medal "For faultless service» I degree
- The medal "For faultless service» II degree
- The medal "For faultless service» III degree
- Medal "10 years of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- Medal "20 years of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- Medal "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- Medal "For the neutralization of mines"
- Medal, Army General S.K. Nurmagambetov
- The medal "20th anniversary of the engineering troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- Medal "Veteran of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Published works
 1. Дуламбаев Т.А., Касымканов Б.Ж., Китапов Е.М., Нурмагамбетов Д.Б. Организация технического обслуживания и хранения БТ и ВТ / учебное пособие,  2015