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Kazangapova Nurgul Burkitbaevna

Kazangapova Nurgul Burkitbaevna


Candidate of Geographical Sciences,

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Office 5124, tel. +7 (7172) 02/31/14


Sphere of scientific interests

Chemistry, geography, hydrochemistry, hydrology, water resources, soil science, ecology, biotechnology, forest resources, GIS technology

Delivered disciplines

Forest melioration of landscapes, pedology, protected areas, recreational forestry, decorative nurseries, organization of research, mapping forestry, private forestry

Current research projects

Diversity of actinomycetes in the soils of Northern Kazakhstan: ecology, biology, producers of biologically active substances and their use in bioremediation of contaminated soils and plant protection (Performer)

Masters and doctoral students working under leadership

Zhanatayev A.



S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), faculty of the Chemistry, Major – Chemistry, Qualification - Chemist. Teacher


Institute of Geography of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (Postgraduate Full-time) Specialty code - 25.00.27. - land hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry

Work experience


The Institute of Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, from engineer to senior researcher


"Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry," the head of environmental monitoring laboratory


Present time Senior Lecturer, Environmental Science and Forestry Department  S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Awards and Honours   

- The certificate of accreditation as the subject of scientific and technical activities, 2014

- Prizewinner title "The best teacher of higher school in 2014"

- Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright (3 pcs)

- Gratitude XXII All-Russian organizing committee VernadskyReadings,  2015

- A grateful letter Note of tanks the Department of Astana, 2016

- «Officer wife», badge of honor, 2016

- The winner of grants for international programs such as the IAEA, ITEC,. MASHAV

Advanced training courses

- Training in research and production company «Lumex» Analytical Equipment in Saint "MGA-915", 2010

- Course on the theoretical foundations of NMR techniques and work with the NMR spectrometer JEOLECX-400 (Saint-Petersburg), 2010

- Certified courses «ArcGISDesktop 9.3», 2011

- Course «Application of biotechnology and molecular biology for propagation and preservation of medical plants» in Havana Agricultural University (Cuba), 2012

- Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" moderator of the course "The best author's program" (Almaty), 2015

- Azerbaijan State Agrarian University GIS technologies for environmental monitoring of natural ecosystems. Ganja, 2015

- Kastamonu University (Turkey) The use of GIS and biotechnology in the monitoring of natural ecosystems, laboratory analysis methods, 2015

Republican and international meetings

  1. Conference "Actual problems of chemistry" (certificate 2015);
  2. Seminar «Distrilab Has participated in the Agillent (certificate 2015);
  3. Training on chemical analytical facilities Furniture 797 VA ComputraceMetrohm and mastery of technique-volt ampermetric determination of chemical elements (certificate 2016);
  4. "The system of capillary elektoforeza" Capel-105M '' (certificate 2016);
  5. International seminar "Using GIS technology for environmental monitoring of natural ecosystems". Kastamon University Faculty of Forestry (certificate 2015);
  6. «Operatinal Training of the SEM, XRF, CHNS Elemental Analysis» (certificate 2015);
  7. International seminar "Application of GIS and biotechnology for monitoring natural ecosystems". Azerbaijan State Agrarian University (certificate 2015).

Published works

More than 100 works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Impact of fluctuations of temperature on hydrochemistry of cooling reservoir, 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference and EXPO S G E M   2 0 1 5,18-24, June, (2015 Albena, BULGARIA,  V.1.  Р  655-662 (базаСкопус)
  2. Агрохимическое исследование почвенных участков северного лесничества BulletinEURONALENT-FIDJP. 2015.№ 1, P.81-85
  3. Review Medicinal herbs, great potential and endangered problems in Asia (Kazakhstan), Africa (Egypt) and America (Cuba). CultivosTropicales.(база World Cat) 2014. Vol.35 No.3. –pp.5-16.