Main / ППС / Kazhibayeva Galiya Tuleuevna
Kazhibayeva Galiya Tuleuevna

Kazhibayeva Galiya Tuleuevna


candidate of technical sciences, professor

of the Department «Technology of food and

processing industries»

office3224 б

Cellular telephone:+7 707 896 28 30


Sphere of scientific interests

Scientific research and development in the field of innovations in the food industry, technology of production of food products of functional and special purpose, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of engineering and technology of food production.

Scientific qualification

Academic degree:candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.18.04 – “Technology of meat, dairy and fish products” (FK diploma No. 0008289, protocol No. 11 of 01.25.2001).

Academic title:associate Professor of HAC RK on specialty "Technology of food products" (DC № 0000316 from 25.11.2005)

Academic title:professor, specialty “Food Technology” (protocol No. 0000059, order No. 86 of 02/04/2021).

Readable disciplines

Technology of meat and meat products; Biotechnological bases of food production; Methods of scientific research; Nutriciology.

Master's students and doctoral students working under the guidance of

Defended under the guidance of:

Master's students – 12


PhD doctors – 1

Master's students – 4


1982-1987. Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry (MTIIMP, Moscow), specialty "Technology of meat and meat products", qualification of engineer-technologist (diploma NV № 370108 from 26.06.1987).

1992-1996 studied in full-time target postgraduate course at STIMMP Semipalatinsk on specialty 05.18.04.- "Technology of meat, dairy and fish products".


1987 - Junior Researcher of the NIS STIMMP t. Semipalatinsk;

1991 - assistant of the department «Technology of meat and meat products» STIMMP t. Semipalatinsk;

1996. - lecturer of the department «Technology of production of meat products» GU Semey;

2001. - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Distance Learning and Advanced Training;

2003-2013 yy. - Associate Professor of the Department «Technology of meat, dairy and food products» GU named after Shakarim t. Semey

2013-2023 y. - professor of the department «Biotechnology» NAO Toraigyrov University t. Pavlodar

01.09.2023 to the present time Professor of the Department «Technology of food and processing industries» in S. Seifullin KazATIU

Main areas of research

Scientific research and development in the field of technology of production and processing of meat and meat products.

Research projects

Participation in the implementation of scientific research work within the framework of the state order:

2012–2013 – executor of the project “Developmenttechnologies of functional food products based on animal and plant raw materials”, SSU named after Shakarim;

2013–2015 – executor of the project “Technology of Meat and Dairy Products”, PSU named after S. Toraighyrov.

Participation in international scientific projects:

2013–2017 – executor of the international Tempus project “Development and implementation of master’s programs in food safety, production and marketing of traditional food products in Russia and Kazakhstan”.

Awards, certificates of merit

- certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best university teacher of 2019";

- honorary diploma of Akim of Pavlodar region 2020.

- Honorary Diploma of the Rector of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov 2016.

- letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018,

- letter of thanks from the rector of ATU, Almaty 2019.

- letter of thanks from the rector of NAO Toraigyrov University, 2019.

Professional development:

  1. Certificate “Development of subject competencies in the discipline “Technology of meat and meat products” as part of the updated content of education” Pavlodar 2023 in the amount of 72 hours;
  2. Certificate “Modern methods of selection and biotechnology in accelerating the selection process as part of import substitution” Moscow 2023, in the amount of 72 hours;
  3. Certificate “Modern methods in biotechnology”, 2022, 72 hours;
  4. Certificate “MS Excel: basic and advanced level”, 2021 in the amount of 72 hours;
  5. Certificate “Increasing the professional competence of teaching staff of universities in the context of the transition of the Kazakh language alphabet to the Latin script” Astana, 2019 in the amount of 240 hours.
  6. Certificate of successful completion of an online course based on the COURSERA platform, COURSE CERTIFICATE Nov 8, 2020;
  7. Certificate of successful completion of online course based on EDX platform, VERIFIED CERTIFICATE Issued May 25, 2019 VALID CERTIFICATE ID 7a859aed45f2402fb540526195e884ae;
  8. scientific internship (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) in 2014 in the amount of 72 hours.


In total, over 270 scientific and educational works have been published, including:

20 – innovative patents and utility model patents,

3 – international patents included in the Clarivate company database Analytics,

19 – scientific articles in the Scopus database and in scientific journals abroad,

21 – scientific articles in publications recommended by KOKSNVO RK,

22 – textbooks (of which 2 in English and 3 labeled UMO RUMS ATU);

3 – monographs (2 of them in English);

48 – scientific articles in materials of foreign international conferences, the remaining publications in domestic international and republican conferences.

Hirsch index ( Scopus ) -7;

Publications in Scopus - 16;

The most important in the presented directions for the last 5 years:

Publications in ranking scientific publications (with impact factor):

  1. Irina Zykova, Galiya Kazhibaeva and others. Interaction between heavy metals and microorganisms during wastewater treatment by activated sludge / ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 14(11), pp. 2139-2145 / Percentile by Citescore (Scopus) – 47 /
  2. Kazhibayeva G., Issaeva K., Mukhamejanova A., Gribkova V., Rebezov M. Development of formulation and production technology of fish pate for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes /Open AccessInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8(5), pp. 1355-1359.–2019.
  3. Derkho, M., Mukhamedyarova, L., Rubjanova, G., Stepanova, K., Kazhibayeva, G. Erythrocytes and their transformations in the organism of cows/International Journal of Veterinary Science 8(2), pp. 61-66.-2019.
  4. Ubaid Ullah, Abdur Rauf, GaliyaKazhybayeva / Green synthesis, in vivo and in vitro pharmacological studies of Tamarindusindica based gold nanoparticles / Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering // The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2021. – 9 p. Percentile 64% Q2 1ad&sot=anl&sdt= aut&sl=40&s=AU-ID%28%22Kazhibayeva%2c+Galiya%22+57211408553%29&relpos=4&citeCnt=6&searchTerm=
  5. AtambayevaZhibek,NurgazovaAlmagul,Rebezov Maxim,KazhibayevaGaliya / A Risk and Hazard Analysis Model for the Production Process of a New Meat Product Blended With Germinated Green Buckwheat and Food Safety Awareness 1ad&sot=anl&sdt= aut&sl=40&s=AU-ID%28%22Kazhibayeva%2c+Galiya%22+57211408553%29&relpos=1&citeCnt=2&searchTerm=\

Articles in journals included in the list of KOKSON MES RK :

  1. Comparative data on the nutritional value of goat meat and lamb in the production of meat products / Scientific journal “Bulletin” of the Shakarim State University, Semey, No. 1 (85). – 2019. – pp. 60–63.
  2. Medical and biological prerequisites for the creation of functional products / Scientific journal “Bulletin” of the Shakarim State University, Semey, No. 2 (86) – 2019. – P. 10–13.
  3. The influence of the food component on the functional and technological properties of minced pate / Scientific journal “Bulletin” of the Shakarim State University, Semey, No. 4 (88) – 2019. – P. 111–114.
  4. Gerodietikalyk tamaktanuga arnalgan fermenttelgen susyndardy dayyndau technology / Scientific journal “Bulletin” of Shakarim State University, Semey, No. 1(1) – 2021. – P. 21–25.
  5. Technology of soft cheese from a mixture of milk of farm animals / Scientific journal "Bulletin" of Almaty Technological University No. 1 (131) , Almaty -2021. – pp. 26–32.


  1. Actual problems of improving the production of meat and fish products of functional purpose / Monograph - Pavlodar : Kereku, 2015. - 148 с. ISBN 978-601-238-568-7
  2. Functional food production technology / Мonograph / – Pavlodar: Kereku, 2018. – 129 p.
  3. Food science and technology / Мonograph /– Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2020. – 103 p.

Certificatesofintellectualproperty, patents

  1. Producing deli meats product comprises e.g. preparing and boiling lamb heads, separating from the head of meat with skin, brain and eyes, grinding, and adding boiled chicken-tail fat, lamb liver and broth from cooking meat. / Межународныйпатент / № KZ28992-A4 /Patent holder:Kazhibayeva G.T.Identification Derwent: 2019-27749S
  2. Macaroni for dogs, contains wheat flour of II grade, sodium glutamate, vegetable seasoning and water./Межународный патент / № KZ26757-A4 /Patent holder: Kazhibayeva G.T.и др.IdentificationDerwent: 2019-30512J
  3. Composition for cracker production/utility model patent No. 5169 dated 03/10/2020/Mukhamedzhanova A.S., Isaeva K.S., Kazhibaeva G.T. and etc.
  4. Composition for preparing goat milk kurt/utility model patent No. 5157 dated March 10, 2020./Isaeva K.S., Kapshakbaeva Z.V., Kazhibaeva G.T. et al.
  5. Method for producing fermented milk drink/utility model patent No. 4980 dated February 26, 2020./Kasymov S.K., Moldabaeva Zh.K., Kazhibaeva G.T. and others.
  6. Method for producing irimshik from goat milk” / utility model patent No. 4907 dated 02/12/2020/ Isaeva K.S., Tuganova B.S., Kazhibaeva G.T., Mukhamedzhanova A.S., Kapshakbaeva Z.V.
  7. Method for producing soft rennet cheese with white mold / utility model patent No. 6181 dated 03/17/2021. / Kapshakbaeva Z.V., Isaeva K.S., Kazhibaeva G.T. et al.