Main / ППС / Kenesaryuly Gani
Kenesaryuly Gani

Kenesaryuly Gani


Master of ecology, senior lecturer

010000,  Astana, Zhenis ave. 62а, office 7401

тел. +77017385439


Sphere of scientific interests

Forest ecology, transformation of ecosystems, human ecology, environmental education

Delivered disciplines

Fundamentals of forestry, Landscape ecology, Ecology and basics of life safety



Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, environment department, ecologist


Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, magistracy of environment department, master of ecology


S.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university, doctoral studies in the specialty 6D080700 - "Forest resources and forestry"

Work experience


S.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university, assistant of the department of forest resources and forestry


S.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university, senior lecturer of the department of ecology


S.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university, senior lecturer of the department of ecology

2022 - present time

S.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university, senior lecturer of the department of forest resources and forestry

Advanced training courses

- Internship at the scientific laboratories of the University of Kastamonu in Turkey (certificate), 2019.

- Kazakhstan Amcorners Network’s online-seminar for teachers and environmental activists (certificate), 2020.

- Online-course of the Information center of the Ministry of ecology, geology and natural resources on the topic "Explanation of the norms of the new Environmental code" (certificate), 2022.

- Webinar of the S.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university on the topic "Modern technologies in the educational process" (certificate), 2022.

Republican and international meetings

- Online-conference of the Kazakhstan’s ecoforum association on the topic "Environmental education" (certificate), 2022.

Published works

Author (co-author) of over 20 scientific publications. Represented by the most important areas:

  1. Perzadayeva A. et al. Monitoring of soil pollution by heavy metals in roadside areas of Astana city (Kazakhstan) // Journal of Biotechnology, vol.256, 25-27 May 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  2. Сарсекова Д.Н.  и др. Ландшафтно-экологическая оценка сквера «Шахматистов» города Нур-Султана // Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science (Oslo, Norway), vol.2, №30/2019, p.8-13
  3. Sezgin Ayan et al. Accumulation of heavy metal pollution caused by traffic in forest trees in the Park of Kerey and Janibek Khans of the city of Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan // Journal of Forest Science, Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 67 (7), 2021, р.357-366
  4. Сарсекова Д.Н.  и др. Изучение приживаемости солеустойчивых и засухоустойчивых деревьев и кустарников в научно-экспериментальном кампусе КАТУ имени С. Сейфуллина  // Материалы 86-й научно-технической конференции, БГТУ, Беларусь,  2022 г.