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Kenzhegulova Sayagul Olzhabaevna

Kenzhegulova Sayagul Olzhabaevna


Candidate of agricultural sciences, Associate Professor
Office 5113, Tel.: +7(7172)31-13- 08 

Research interests

The study of the physical and physical-chemical properties of soil

Teaching disciplines

Pedology, Agropedology, Chemistry and physics of soil, Professionally Oriented Foreign Language, Academic letter


2000 – 2005y.

Akmola Agrarian university of C.Ceifullin, specialty Agronomy


RF, Novosibirsk State Agrarian university, specialty  Agropedology, agrophysic (graduate school)



2008-2011. – Assistant at the Department of soil science and agricultural chemistry at Kazakh agrotechnical university named S.Seifullin

Since 20.01.2011-2023 – Senior teacher at the deparment of soil science and agrochemistry

Since 2023 – Associate Professor at the deparment of soil science and agrochemistry


Course «Increase pedagogical skills of teachers», S.Seifullin KATU, 2013

Certificate №383100998446 «Current trends in agrochemistry and agro-soil science», 72 h. The Center for Additional and Distance Learning of the Irkutsk State University named after A.A. Yezhevsky, Irkutsk, Russian Federation 16-29.12.2021.

Certificate №01297 «Teacher education of the 21st century: new challenges and solutions» 72 h. International online internship in Belarus, SKLAD Bilim I take online platforms, Republican Institute of Higher School of the Republic of Belarus. 10.11 –1.12.2021

Certificate №0000928 «Academic writing», 72 h. "Kasipkor" Foundation for Innovative and Dual Education, Astana. 10.10-21.11.22.

Certificate «Assessment of the current state of soils and landscapes of Kazakhstan: geology, genesis, ecology. Modern methods of soil and agrochemical survey in order to involve land in agricultural turnover», 72 h. LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after U. Uspanov"Аlmaty. 24.11-09.12.2022.

From May 29 to June 6, 2022, He attended a course of lectures by a foreign scientist Peter Chokura (PhD) on the topic “Nutrition of garden plants. Growing vegetables in greenhouses” 72 hours. KATRU, Nur-Sultan

03.08.-10.08.2022. «Current problems of Soil science and Agrochemistry in natural and anthropogenic landscapes» Certificate 72 hours. KATRU, Nur-Sultan.


The author has more than 55 scientific papers. List of publications, articles, scientific publications:

1.    Kulzhanova S.M., Saparov K., Kenzhegulova S.O., Baidyusen A.A., Botabekova G.T. The impact of biological reclamation on degraded pasture areas in the dry steppe zone of Akmola region the Republic of the Kazakhstan // International research journal № 10 (100) 2020 Часть 1. – С. 108-116.
2.    Структура почвенного покрова и характеристика основных элементов плодородия и мелиоративное состояние почв парка отдыха города балхаш 3I: Intellect, Idea, Innovation. №:1 Год: 2020 Стр.: 71-78
3.    Морфогенетическая характеристика, химические и физико-химические свойства почв Северо-Прибалхашской провинции пустынной зоны Казахстана. Почвоведение и агрохимия № 1 (март), 2022. – 16-29. К.М. Мухаметкаримов, С.О. Кенжегулова
4.    Қазақстанның оңтүстік-шығыс жағдайында ашық қара-қоңыр топырақтың өңдеуін минимизациялаудың оның құнарлығына және дәнді-отамалы ауыспалы егістегі күздік бидай өнімділігіне әсері. «Приоритеты агропромышленного комплекса: научная дискуссия»: материалы международной научно-практической конференции. – Петропавловск: СКУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2022. - 323 с. Мухаметкаримов К.М., Кенжегулова С.О., Аманғали Б.М., Шаймерден А.Е.
5.    S. Turebayeva, A. Zhapparova, G. Kekilbayeva, S. Kenzhegulova, Kh. Aisakulova, G. Yesseyeva, A. Bissembayev, B. Sikiric, D. Sydykand, E. Saljnikov. Development of Sustainable Production of Rainfed Winter Wheat with No-Till Technologies in Southern Kazakhstan Agronomy, 2022, 12(14), 950. CiteScore 2021 – 3,9. 73%
6.    Кенжегулова С.О., Серикбай М., Айтбаева А.Т., Кульжанова С.М. Қазақстанның оңтүстік-шығысы жағдайында Биоорганикалық тыңайтқыштардың күңгірт қара-қоңыр топырақтың құнарлылық көрсеткіштеріне және қарбыздың өнімділігі мен сапасына әсері. С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінің Ғылым жаршысы. - 2022. - №2 (113). – Ч.1. - Б.227-237. 
7.    Almanova Zh.S., Kenzhegulova S.O. Kashkarov A.A., NazarovaA.Zh., Zhakenova A.T. Influence of agricultural use on fertility indicators of ordinary chernozems of Kostanay region. С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінің Ғылым жаршысы. - 2022. - №24(115). – Ч.1. - Б.227-237.
8.    Almanova Zh., Kenzhegulova S., Kashkarov A., Zhakenova A., Zvyagin G. Changes in Soil Fertility Indicators after Long-Term Agricultural Use in Northern Kazakhstan. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics 2023, 18(5), С. 1045–1053

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