Main / ППС / Kenzhitaeva Zhanagul Lukmanovna
Kenzhitaeva Zhanagul Lukmanovna

Kenzhitaeva Zhanagul Lukmanovna


Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturerof the

department of Kazakh and Russian languages

cabinet 2618, tel 87172-38-39-59



Sphere of scientific interests

Features of the use of phraseological units in the speech of a modern person


Readable disciplines the Russian language

Main areas of research

Use of obsolete words in everyday life



2017-2019 South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Russian Federation), specialty 44.04.01 - Pedagogical Education with the title of Master of Pedagogical Sciences

1988-1993 graduated from the Almaty State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Russian language and literature in Kazakh schools, qualification: teacher of the Russian language and literature



1994 - 2016 Lecturer at the Department of Kazakh and Foreign Languages of the Mining and Metallurgical Faculty of RII,

2016 - 2021 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Engineering and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Mining and Metallurgical Faculty of RII

since 2022 senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh and Russian languages of the Faculty of Humanities of KazATU named after S. Seifullin


Awards, honorary diplomas

• Diploma of RII for fruitful work, contribution to the development of science on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

• A letter of thanks from party "NurOtan"

• A letter of thanks from the City Public Organization for holding a city competition dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan



1. Certificate for participation in the academic meeting "Dialogue with Russia: development of open education in Russian" November-December 2020.

2. Certificate of the online course "Inclusive blended learning" Representation of the Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Kazakhstan in the framework of cooperation with Astana Hub 12.02.2022.

3. Certificate courses of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu" on the topic "Development of professional competencies of a teacher of the Russian language and literature" 10.10.2021.

4. JSC "NTsPK "Orleu" advanced training on the topic "Development of digital competencies of teachers" 23.09.2021



Author of more than 30 scientific articles.

  1. KenzhitaevaZh.L. "Volunteering as an idea of social service" International scientific and practical conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and pupils "Native land - the basis of all undertakings of the young generation", dedicated. 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasyr Al-Farabi9 - 10December, 2020
  2. KenzhitaevaZh.L. "Creative Heritage of Abai" International Scientific and Practical Online Conf. young scientists, undergraduates, students and pupils “science. education. Youth”, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great thinker, philosopher, educator AbayKunanbayev9 - 10December, 2020.
  3. KenzhitaevaZh.L., Sergazinov A. "Translations of AbayKunanbaev and human values" International scientific and practical online conf. young scientists, undergraduates, students and pupils “science. education. Youth”, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great thinker, philosopher, educator AbayKunanbayev9 - 10December, 2020.
  4. KenzhitaevaZh.L. "Rukhanizhangyru - the boundaries of onomastics in the northern regions of Kazakhstan" International scientific and practical conference "The quality of human capital in the conditions of the new industrial revolution", Kostanay, KSU named after. A. Baitursynova, 19-20.04.18, pp. 227-229.
  5. KenzhitaevaZh.L., Amangeldinova A. "Intertwining of two cultures" International scientific and practical conference "The quality of human capital in the conditions of a new industrial revolution", Kostanay, KSU named after. A. Baitursynova, 19-20.04.18, pp. 241-245.
  6. KenzhitaevaZh.L. "The Essence and Content of the Ethno-Pedagogical Approach in Education" International Scientific and Practical Conf. "The quality of human capital in the context of the new industrial revolution", KSU A. Baitursynov, 19-20.04.18, pp. 227-229.
  7. KenzhitaevaZh.L. Textbook "Modern culture of Kazakhstan in the global world" ISBN 978-601-7994-12-9, RII, Rudny, 2020 109 page №. 5 dated 05/22/20209 - 10December, 2020
  8. KenzhitaevaZh.L., Sultangalieva M.D. Textbook "Kazakh language" ISBN 878-401-7994-12-9, RII, Rudny, 2021 220 p. №. 1 dated September 31, 2021 September 2021
  9. The difficulties of translating imitatives on the example of S. Muratbekov's novel "The bitter smell of wormwood" International scientific and practical conference "Karbyshev readings. Our cause is just - victory is ours!" Tyumen, December 6-8, 2023.
  10. Designing educational programs International Scientific and practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and students "The role of youth in building a Just Kazakhstan", November 2023, Rudny., RI;
  11. Methods and technologies of distance learning International Scientific and Practical Conference Spiritual values of the Great Steppe: Education, Culture, and Sport. ASU, Almaty, December 2023.