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Kipshakbayeva Asemgul Amangeldinovna

Kipshakbayeva Asemgul Amangeldinovna


Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Associate Professor
Office 5213, tel. 8 701 182 84 78

Sphere of scientific interests
Development of adaptive technology for the cultivation of cereals, legumes and oilseeds.

Delivered disciplines
Crop production, Adaptive technologies in crop production, Crop production with the basics of biology, Technology of storage and processing of plant products

Main research areas
Development of varietal agrotechnics of field crops    

Current research projects (which are in the active phase in his/her laboratory, the data about the sponsors, if the funding is external)
1.    1. “Building a decision-making system for the production of main types of agricultural crops based on adaptation of the dssat model of agricultural growth and development. crops, an integrated management system for the production of livestock products based on smart technologies with the formation of an information base of scientific and technical documentation on agricultural technologies for subjects of the agro-industrial complex in order to create smart systems in agriculture" – performer
2.    2. “Creation of early ripening soybean source material with high productive and adaptive potential using molecular breeding methods for the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan” – performer

Master students working under his/her supervision
1. Mukhambay Adilet
2. Amantay Asylbek
3. Zhumash Akerke

1995-2000 Akmola Agrarian University, Agronomy Department, qualification agronomist;
2001 - 2003 S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrarian University, Department of training, speciality-economist - Manager in agro-industrial complex;
2002-2005 Postgraduate student of the Department of Crop Production, S. Seifullin  Kazakh Agrarian University.

Work experience
2000 Junior researcher at the Department of Crop Production, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrarian University;
2002 - 2005 postgraduate student of the Department of crop production, S. Seifullin  Kazakh Agrarian University;
2006 – 2012 Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding Department of S. Seifullin Kazakh State Agrotechnical University;
2012    – 2018 Senior lecturer of the Department of Agriculture and Plant Growing of. S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University
Since 2018, Associate Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Plant Growing of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after. S.Seifullina

Adranced training courses
1.    Scientific internship on the topic of Agricultural technology of grain and oilseeds at the LLP “Research and Production Center for Grain Farming named after. A.I. Baraeva", Shortandy. 2022
2.    Scientific internship on the topic of the use of biological products and varietal agricultural technology of field crops at Kokshetau Astyk Invest LTD LLP, Zerendy. 2022
3.    «Innovations in the educational process: theory, methodology, practice of higher education», Kazakh Agro-Technical Research University (KATRU), Astana, 2024
Published works
The author has published more than 50 scientific papers. The most important are following;
1.    Кипшакбаева Г.А., Амантаев Б.О., Кипшакбаева А.А., Рысбекова А.Б., Кульжабаев Е.М. Жаздық арпа генотиптерінің фотосинтетикалық пигменттері мен өнімділігі. ҚазҰАУ «Ізденістер, нəтижелер-Исследования, результаты» №1  (89) март 2021 года.
2.    Тлеулина З.Т., Кипшакбаева Г.А., Сарбасова Н.А., Абеуова Д.М., Кипшакбаева А.А. «Солтүстік Қазақстан жағдайында шығу тегі әртүрлі сорттарының шаруашылық-биологиялық құндылығын анықтау» Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им.С.Сейфуллина (междисциплинарный). - 2022. – №4 (115). –Ч.1. - Б. 12-25.
3.     Кипшакбаева Г.А., Аширбекова И.А., Тлеулина З.Т., Амантаев Б.О., Кипшакбаева А.А.«Фотосинтетикалық белсенділік элементтерінің және биометриялық көрсеткіштердің шығу тегі әртүрлі майбұршақ сорттарының өнімділігін қалыптастыруға әсері» Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического исследовательского университета  им. С. Сейфуллина (междисциплинарный). – Астана: С. Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық зерттеу университеті, 2023. -№ 3(118). - Б.149-160
4.    Mostafa Abdelkader, Luidmila Voronina, Lyudmila Baratova, Olga Shelepova, Meisam Zargar, Mikhail Puchkov, Elena Loktionova 7,Bekzad Amantayev, Assemgul Kipshakbaeva and Bauyrzhan Arinov. Вiostimulants-based amino acids augment physio-biochemical responses and promote salinity tolerance of lettuce plants (lactuca satival.)Horticulturae2023,9,807.