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Kipshakbaeva Gulden Amangeldinovna

Kipshakbaeva Gulden Amangeldinovna


Сandidate of Аgricultural Sciences,
Associate Professor
Office 5214, phone: 87017826829

Research interests
Breeding and seed production of agricultural crops

Delivered disciplines
Adaptive technologies of cultivation of field crops, Diversification in crop production, Fundamentals of seed science of field crops, Breeding and seed production of agricultural crops

Main research areas
Development of the sorted agrotechnics of the agricultural crops

Current research projects
«Production early maturing soybean material with high productive and adaptive potential using molecular breeding methods for conditions of Northern Kazakhstan» - Project Manager;
«Development of techniques for increasing productivity, drought tolerance of wheat in arid conditions of Central, Northern Kazakhstan using mathematical modeling» - project executor
«Production early maturing soybean material with high productive and adaptive potential using molecular breeding methods for conditions of Northern Kazakhstan»

Master and Doctorate students working under his/her supervision
Master student: Sabit D.M., Abeuova D.
Doctoral student: Ashirbekova I.A.

1995-2000 - S. Seifullin Akmola agricultural University.
2000-2004 - Postgraduate study at the Kazakh research Institute of crop husbandry and plant breeding (Almaty).

Work experience
2000-2004 - Junior researcher of the A. Barayev Kazakh research Institute of grain farming.
2006-2008 - the Project "increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products" Worldbank and the Republic of Kazakhstan
2008-2009 - international organization for the improvement of wheat and maize, SMUT
2009-2016 - state institution "State Commission for variety testing of agricultural crops" Ministry of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2016-2018 - Senior teacher of the chair "Plant protection and quarantine"
2018-2022 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Agriculture and Crop Production
Since 2022 to present - Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture and Crop Production

Awards, honorary diplomas
Medal of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For merits in the field of intellectual property", 2013
Medal "Enbek danky", grade 3, 2012

Advanced training courses
«Assessing Crop Production, Water and Nutrient Vanagement, Climaric Risk and Environmental Sustainability with Simulation Models», KATU, Nur-Sultan, 2022

1.    A. Begalina, A. Baitelenova, WangYu Fu, G. Kipshakbaeva, A. Tleppaeva Qualitative indicators of oily flax varieties of the chinese breeding in the conditions of the dry steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan.  Herald of Science of S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University № 3(110) 2021.- С. 30-39
2.    A. Turbekova, I. Oshergina, A. Kurmangozhinov, E. Ten, B. Amantayev, G. Kipshakbaeva Evaluation of the Genetic Material of the Grass Pea (Lathyrus Sativus L.) Seed Collection in Northern Kazakhstan. Ж. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 2022, 22 (2): 191.200 DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2022.191.200
3.    Тлеулина З.Т., Омельянюк Л.В., Кипшакбаева Г.А. Комплексная оценка сортов сои мировой селекции в условиях Северного Казахстана // Масличные культуры. 2023. Вып. 1 (193). С. 26–32.
4.    Кипшакбаева Г.А., Гончаров С.В., Тлеулина З.Т. Перспективные направления селекции сои в условиях Северного Казахстана. Зернобобовые и крупяные культуры. 2023; 2(46):46-58. DOI: 10.24412/2309-348X-2023-2-46-58
5.    Soltani Nejad, Meysam Samandari Najafabadi, Aghighi, Zargar, Meisam Stybayev, Gani Baitelenova, Aliya Kipshakbayeva, Gulden Application of Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles from Oak Fruit Exudates against Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum Causing Postharvest Soft Rot Disease in Vegetables//Agronomy 2023, 13(6), 1624;
6.    Gordeyeva, Y.; Shelia, V.; Shestakova, N.; Amantayev, B.; Kipshakbayeva, G.; Shvidchenko, V.; Aitkhozhin, S.; Kurishbayev, A.; Hoogenboom, G. Sunflower (Heliánthus ánnuus) Yield and Yield Components for Various Agricultural Practices (Sowing Date, Seeding Rate, Fertilization) for Steppe and Dry Steppe Growing Conditions.- Agronomy 2024, 14, 36. https://
7.    Kipshakbaeva G. A., Rysbekova A. B., Ashirbekova I. A., Tleulina Z. T., Kadrinov M. Kh., Amantaev B. O., Kipshakbaeva A. A. assessment of cold resistance of different varieties of oil peas.- Bulletin of Science of the Kazakh agrotechnical research university named after saken Seifullin (interdisciplinary) Astana: 2024. -№ 1(120). - P.75-89. 
8. Sabit D., Kipshakbaeva G. A., Baykunirova A., Buzovsky K. P., Sidorik A. I. introduction of gustotes on the yield of hybrids kukuruz selection of KAZSEEDS in the conditions of the Fedorovsky District of the Kostanay region. - Bulletin of Science of the Kazakh agrotechnical research university named after saken Seifullin (interdisciplinary) Astana: 2024. -№ 1(120). - P.107-120.