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Koxegen Aliya Erishkizi

Koxegen Aliya Erishkizi


Senior teacher of  "Higher Mathematics" chair
Office 2418, phone: +7(7172)38-87-72


Sphere of scientific interests

Modern information systems for data analysis.

Delivered disciplines

Information and communication technologies. Python and date analysis. Digital of the engineering. 


1981 - 1984 Almaty college of cinema.  Specialty: the technical - designer of computer
1987 - 1992  Kazak Nationality Pedagogical University by Abaya. K. Specialty: the teacher of physics and informatics
2002 - 2006  Postgraduate studies. Eurasian Nationality University by L. Gumilev Specialty: «05.13.11 – Mathematic & software of computer, complex and network»
2013 year. UK. University of Reading. Internship of  KR  Presidents programme (1.10-22.12)   «Bolashak». Specialty:  «1.76 Т- Pedagogical Diagnostics, Evaluation and      Education Quality Management»

Work experience

1984-1987 East Kazakhstan. The town Serebraynsk. Inorganic chemical factory, the technical  designer   of computer
1992- 1993 East Kazakhstan. The town Zaisan. Secondary School by M. Auezov – the teacher of the informatics and physics
1993-1995Almaty. Professional and Technical School №3 and №8 – the teacher of the informatics and automatic
1995-1997 Almaty. Company "Tokomak" - the programmer of the computer  
1997-1999 Almaty. Kazakh – Russia University - the teacher of the informatics , programming and automatic
2000- Astana. Kazak Agro technical University by S. Seiffulin, the teacher of the Informatics and the computer sciences

Awards and honours

- Honorary rewarding of  the 55th anniversary of  KATU by  S.Seifullin 2012
- International scholarship "Bolashak" of  President of  Kazakhstan,  2013
- Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016 
- Medal for the 60th anniversary of  KATU by  S.Seifullin, 2017
- Thanksgiving letter from the Akim of the Saryarka region of the  Astana city, 2017 
- Letter of gratitude from the Rector of  KATU by  S.Seifullin  "The best teacher  of  the year. The first place." 2019

Advanced training courses

- English course. English Language Enhancement  Programme.  UK. University of Reading  8.032013- 24.07.2013
- Further training on the international program "Erasmus +". The Republic of Ireland. Institute Technology. Limerick. 2017
- Data -  Analysis and Visualization in Python Kaz. ATU  by  S. Seiffulin  2020 
- Modern methodologies and use technologies for teaching in Kazakhstan. Imperial College English UK  2021.
- Data mining. KATRU  by  S. Seiffulin  2022
- Data analysis based on the object-oriented programming language Python. KATRU  by  S. Seiffulin  2023

Published works

More than 80 works were published. More important among them close to the  mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Scientific and methodological foundations for the organization of the educational process in the conditions of distance learning //World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issue (WJET) Vol. 14 No. 3, 2022. 884-896.
  2. Effective ways of  teaching in distance education // Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences Volume 17, Issue 10, (2022) 3821-3833
  3. Қазақстан Республикасы жоғары оқу орындарындағы қашықтықтан оқыту технологиялары.Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы. Педагогикалық сериясы. № 4 (2022) Павлодар: «Toraighyrov University» баспасы. -  Б. 69-79
  4. Цифрлық сайлау жүйесі мәселесінің қағидаларын талдау: шетелдік тәжірибе. Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы. Физика, математика және компьютерлік ғылымдар сериясы. № 2 (2023) Павлодар: «Toraighyrov University» баспасы. -  Б. -53-63 
  5. Сайлау процестерінде блокчейн технологиясын қолдану бойынша талдау жасау. Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы. Ғылыми журналы. Физика, математика және компьютерлік ғылымдар сериясы. № 1 (2024) Павлодар 35-46 бет. ISSN 2959-068
  6. The role of the acmeological approach in future teachers’ professional development. International Journal of  Education and Practice. 2024 Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1-12. ISSN(e): 2310-3868. ISSN(p): 2311-6897. DOI: 10.18488/61.v12i1.3548
  7. Pandas кітапханасында  dataframe бағаналарында деректерді сұрыптау мысалдары. International Scientific Journal «Global Science and Innovations 2024: Central Asia» Astana, Kazakhstan, April 2024, p.19-22. ISSN 2664-2271
  8. Implementation of the block chain system in voting. The Way of Science International scientific journal № 2 (120), Volgograd, 2024 p.17-19.