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Koskeyeva Assemgul Muratovna

Koskeyeva Assemgul Muratovna


PhD, Senior Lecturer

Office 2715. Tel. +7 (7172) 38-23-30

E-mail address :


Sphere of scientific interests

National policy, language and culture issues in Kazakhstan during the Soviet period.                                              

Teaching course

Modern history of Kazakhstan

Main directions of research

Research work is carried out on the topic "The national question in the works of the Kazakh creative intelligentsia» and scientific articles have been publishing.



L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan.

Honors Diploma. GPA score average: 4.9.

Specialty: "History of Kazakhstan" 0204.

Qualifications: historian, history teacher.


Master's degree.  L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan.

Specialty: "520350 - History".

Honors Diploma. GPA score average: 4.9.

Academic degree: Master of History.







Doctorate PhD. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan.

Specialty: "6D020300 - History"

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), decision of the Dissertation Council of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University dated December 20, 2019 (Order No. 2067-p dated December 26, 2019). FD No. 0000014. Nur-Sultan.



Work experience

(2001 September - 2002 January) - Secondary school  №27;

(2002 February - 2007 September) - Humanitarian College of Astana;

2007 to September 2015 senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, S. Seifullin KATU.

From September 3, 2018 to the present day, senior teacher of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, S. Seifullin KATU.


• 2012 - Certificate of Honor for the 55th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU.

• 2020 - Certificate of Honor from the Chairman of the Board of S. Seifullin KATU.

Advanced training

1. Modern technologies in education. Distance learning methods. S. Seifullin KazATU, October 15 - November 15, 2008

2. English language courses February - June (Elementary), September-December (Pre-intermediate) 2013.

3. Seminar "Interactive technologies in education", S. Seifullin KATU, 23.01.2013.

4. Seminar "Academic mobility is a key issue in the field of higher education", S. Seifullin KATU 29.01.2013.

5. Courses of pedagogical skills of teachers (120 hours). 21.11.2012-13.06.2013.

6. Advanced training courses for teaching staff of the university. Republican Institute "Orleu" (240 hours). Almaty, 27.10. - 08.11.2014.

7. Research internship 12.09. - 16.12.2016. Istanbul, Turkey.

8. Technology for creating e-learning courses in the distance learning system based on LMSMoodle. Online course. EBS "Lan", St. Petersburg. 04/21/2020.

9. Data Analytics Consulting. KPMG International Limited (KPMG). 16.09.2020 – 15.10.2020. Amstelveen, Netherlands.

10. Online-courses within Erasmus+ CBHE Project. Developing Services for Individual with Disabilities held at Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) from December 28 to December 30, 2020.

11. 72-hour Training for Textbooks and TLMs Evaluation Experts. An evaluation of school textbooks and TLMs based on international experience, August-September 2021.  

Scientific publications   

  1. On The National Question in the Works of the Kazakh Intelligentsia // Anthropologist (India). - 2016. - Vol. 26. Iss. 1,2. – P. 40-45. ISSN: 0972-0073, CiteScore_2015: 0,22, процентиль по антропологии – 38.
  2. Тіл мәселесі қазақ зиялыларының еңбектерінде // Қазақ тарихы. - Алматы, 2019. - №3. - 24-25 б.
  3. ХХ ғасырдың ІІ жартысындағы шығармашылық интеллигенцияның зерттеулеріндегі әл-Фараби // ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы. – Алматы, 2019. - №4. - Б. 245-251.
  4. ХХ ғасырдың 60-90 жылдарындағы Қазақстандағы білім және ғылым //  ЕАГИ хабаршысы. – Астана,   2018. - №1. – 5-9 б.
  5. Қазақстандағы ұлт пен тіл мәселесі // Қазақ тарихы. - Алматы, 2020. - №4. -  56-57 б.
  6. A.Zh. Al-Mashani outstanding representative of  Kazakh intelligentia // Правовестник. – 2019. - №4 (15), С. 7-9. .
  7. Национально-государственное строительство в трудах казахской интеллигенции // Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и социально-экономических наук. – 2019. – Т. 13. - №1. – С. 69-73.
  8. Koskeyeva A.M. National question in Kazakhstan, as the reason of collapse of the USSR // «Современная наука: проблемы, идеи, тенденции»: международная научно-практическая конференция. Прага, Чехия, 2019. – С.133-137.  
  9. Коскеева А.М. Ұлт намысын жыртқан ер // «Фундаментальные и прикладные научные исследования: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации»: международная научно-практическая конференция. Душанбе, Таджикистан, 2019. – С.61-64.
  10. Қазақстандағы саяси-идеологиялық жүйедегі ұлттық ахуал және Әлкей Марғұлан (ХХ ғасырдың 50-60 жж.) // ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы. – Алматы, 2020. - №4. - Б. 436-441.