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Iskander Kazbekovich Kurabayev

Iskander Kazbekovich Kurabayev


PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of 
Operating Electra Equipment 
Astana, Zhenis Avenue 62
Office 1118, tel. +7(701)5355647

Research interests
Research and development of methods for determining insulation parameters in ungrounded systems. Improving energy efficiency in industrial power systems.

Teaching disciplines
1.    Programmable logic controller
2.    Automated Electric Drive
3.    Energy saving branch-wise

Main research areas
Development and improvement methods for determining insulation parameters in ungrounded AC systems, including analysing insulation conditions and compensating capacitive currents. Research on the influence of phase insulation parameter asymmetry relative to the earth on the effectiveness of relay protection and electrical safety in power systems.


2002-2007 Electrical engineer, Pavlodar State University, named after S. Toraigyrov, speciality «Power supply of industrial enterprises», graduated with honours, Pavlodar.
2017-2019 Master of Technical Sciences, Kazakh Agrotechnical University, named after S. Seifullin, speciality «Electric Power Engineering», graduated with honours, Astana.
2019-2022  PhD student, Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin, speciality «Electrical complexes and systems», Astana.

Work experience 
08.08.2007 – 30.07.2012 – Power engineer, Department of Development Infrastructure, «Park of Nuclear Technologies» JSC, Kurchatov, Abay region.
10/16/2012 – 22.11.2013 – Expert, «Electric power and energy saving development institute» JSC («Kazakhenergoexpertiza» JSC), Pavlodar, Pavlodar region.
15.05.2013 – 02.08.2014 – Expert, «Develop Group Kz» LLP, Astana.
03.09.2014 – 21.03.2018 – Head of the Department of energy expertise and energy audit, «El-Nur-Service» LLP, Astana.
28.08.2019 – 30.06.2022 – PhD student, Department of Electric Power Supply, «S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University» NJSC, Astana.
16.05.2019 – 06.09.2022 – President, «Dostyk Energy» JSC, Astana.
01.09.2023 – present – Senior Lecturer, Department of Operating Electra equipment, «S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University» NJSC, Astana.

1. 2007 (1 month) – Operation and independent carrying out repair and maintenance work on industrial electron accelerators of the ELV series, Institute of Nuclear Physics, named after G.I. Budkera, SORAN, Novosibirsk.
2. 2013 (6 months) - Renewable energy sources: solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen and fuel cells; Climate Technologies: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, Carbon Capture and Coal Cleaning Technology, Korean Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon, South Korea.
3. Accredited energy auditor of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Awards, certificates of honour
1. «Honorary power engineer» № 1257, issued by the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association dated November 10, 2016.
2. «Honorary power engineer» № 093, issued by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 10, 2018.
3. «Merited Power Engineer» № 89/0400, issued by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 8, 2023.
Author of 8 scientific papers and innovative patents:
1. S.V. Fedorova, B.B. Utegulov, А.B. Utegulov, I.V. Koshkin, I.K. Kurabayev, “Experimental studies of a developed method for determining the insulation parameters in a network with isolated neutral voltage up to 1000 V”, Herald of Science of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, no. 1, 2019. Available:
2 Утегулов Б.Б., Утегулов А.Б., Кошкин И.В., Курабаев И.К. Методика определения параметров изоляции в несимметричной сети напряжением до 1000 В. VII Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы транспорта и энергетики: пути их инновационного решения». ЕНУ им. Л. Гумилева. Астана. 2019.
3. Kurabayev I., Suvorov I., Utegulov A., Tatkeyeva G. Mathematical description of the method for ungrounded AC systems to determine the network insulation // IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2022, Vol. 16, № 11, pp. 2223-2227, rank 2022 – 78h percentile.
4. Tatkeyeva G., Kurabayev I., Ataullaev N., Murodov X. Experimental research of the developed method to determine the network insulation for ungrounded AC systems in laboratory conditions // 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). – 2022. – P. 1-4,
5. Kurabayev I., Tatkeyeva G. Approbation of the developed method for determining network insulation parameters on an operating excavator // Bulletin of Toraigyrov University, Energetics series, 2023. № 1. pp. 206 – 216, 
6. Kurabayev I., Tatkeeva G., Utegulov A. Error estimation of the developed method for ungrounded ac systems to determine the network insulation // KazATC Bulletin, 2023, Vol. 125, № 2, pp. 428-436,
7. Курабаев И.К. Способ измерения параметров изоляции электрических сетей с изолированной нейтралью напряжением до и выше 1000 В с учетом квадрантов комплексной плоскости. Евразийский пат. 041128, МПК G01R 27/18 (2006.01). - №202090923; заявл. 08.05.2020
8. Курабаев И.К., Утегулов А.Б. Способ измерения параметров изоляции электрических сетей с изолированной нейтралью напряжением до и выше 1000 В с учетом симметричных составляющих. Пат. 35922 РК, МПК G01R27/18 (2006.01). - №2021/0571.1; заявл. 22.09.2021, Бюл. №42.