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Zauresh Kurmanovna

Zauresh Kurmanovna


Cand. Sc. Philology, Senior Teacher of the Kazakh and the Russian languages department
Room 2603, Tel. - 8 771 427 55 45

Area of Expertise
Newspaper phraseology, words semantics, terminology, cross-cultural communication

Disciplines to lecture
Practical course of the Russian Language, professional Russian language

1992 The Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, philological faculty, Teacher of the Russian language and literature, Pavlodar
2004 The Pavlodar University, philological faculty, Teacher of Kazakh language and literature, Pavlodar

Work experience
1983 – Pavlodar, Kinder garten №103, kindergartner
1992 – Pavlodar, Profile-labour school, teacher of Kazakh and Literature
2001 – Pavlodar, Middle school № 41, teacher of Kazakh and Literature
2003 – The PSU named after S.Toraighyrov, specialist of the highest category, museum guide
2006 – Department of Journalism and Kazakh Philology, teacher
2008 – Department of Journalism and Russian Philology, lecturer
2010 – Department of Kazakh Philology, Cand. Sc. Phil., senior teacher
2013 – The PSU named after S.Toraighyrov, department of Journalism, Cand. Sc. Phil., senior teacher
2014 – The PSU named after S.Toraighyrov, department of Journalism, Cand. Sc. Phil., Associated professor (docent)
2016 – The Agronomical University named after S. Seifullin, department of Kazakh and Russian Languages, Cand. Sc. Phil., senior teacher

Awards, letters of thanks
thanks for highly educated specialists, education of young generation and great contribution to science. The Innovative University, Pavlodar, Letter of appreciation, 2010.
- "Science and education in the XXI century: dynamics of development in the European and Asian Space" the XXXVII Science-Practice Conference, dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of Innovative Eurasian University for training of students to scientific conferences. Letter of Appreciation. 2012.
- For highly professional training of the team for Operational Investigation Group under the course "Record Keeping in the State Language". The Department of Internal Affairs in Pavlodar Region, Letter of Appreciation, 2013.

Advanced training
- "Theory and practice of speech culture of scientific writing". International scientific seminar, "Turan-Profi" Institute of advanced training-VII № 9046, 2008.
- Current issues of teaching legal disciplines: theory and practice. Turan-Profi Institute for advanced training, international professional Academy-VII11463, 2010
- Actual problems of modern rhetoric, society of "Laboratory of effective speech communication" LLP, P. A. Katyshev, Ph. D., Professor, Kemerevo, 2012.
- Faculty of journalism named after al-Farabi KazNU, "Minber" center for support of journalists, European organization of journalists for security and cooperation. 2013. Head of the center of Astana, Ambassador Zarudnaya N. N. "Ways of development of education of journalists in Kazakhstan: prospects of new media", Almaty, 2013.
Seminar of the US Embassy in Kazakhstan by Professor Karl Idsvug, School of journalism and mass communication, Kent state University, Ohio, USA, 2014.
- L. N. Gumilyov ENU, M. Auezov Institute of Art and literature, moin Scientific Committee, Institute named after Masaryk, Brno, Czech Republic, Federation of the North Caucasus, Stavropol. "Integrative functions of modern comparative studies" II international Symposium, Astana. October, 2015.

Author of more than 40 scientific articles, 3 Scopus, 3 textbooks, 1 teaching aid, 1 electronic teaching aid.

The most important ones in the presented areas:

Kazakh poetru of the XIX centru problem of its translation into other languages.Life Life Scitnce Journal hhtt// www. Lifesciencenctsite. Com. 2018.II (ІІs)
- Metaphors in anatomical terminology. Space and Culture, India(ISSN20528396-India-Scopus), 748797. Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 143-153. ISSN 20528396. Cite Score 2018 – 0.28 Процентиль – 60 (G 2)
- Z.K. Kurmanova 2019 Formation of the language identity of a blogger. Opción, Año 35, Especial No.23 (2019): 904-921 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 Recibido: 18-02-2019 •Aceptado: 20-06- 3 3 The Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Nur-Sultan (former Astana), Kazakhstan
- The copyright of the object "Teledidar balalar badalameti" electronic textbook (computer program) Is 004095 Certificate of state registration of copyright for object No. 0568, March 31, 2016.
- "Children's garden at the debates". Textbook. - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2016. - 108 p.
- "Development and formation of children's libraries". Educational visit, Pavlodar State University im. "I'm Sorry," She Said. - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2016. - 180 P.
- Theoretical aspects and practical ways of forming newspaper phraseology. Textbook. S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University. - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2016. - 212 p.
- Practical course of the Russian language. Textbook for students of specialties of a bachelor degree. - Astana: Kazakh agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, (co-authored by Akoshev M. K, Rakhimzhanov K. Kh.). - 2018. -151 p.
- For highly professional training of specialists of operational investigative services in the course "Office work in the state language". Department of Internal Affairs of the Pavlodar region, Letter of Thanks, 2013.
- Cognitive-evaluative interpretation of concepts with an ethical assessment (the concept of "Pride").  Bulletin of the PSU - KOKSNVO. No. 2, June, 2024.  
- Designing educational programs International scientific and practical conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and students "The role of youth in building a Just Kazakhstan", November 2023, Rudny., RI;.