Main / ППС / Zhussupbayeva Marzhan Tasbolatovna
Zhussupbayeva Marzhan Tasbolatovna

Zhussupbayeva Marzhan Tasbolatovna


Senior lecturerof the departmentradio-technical,

electronical and telecommunications

Officenumber 1233

mobile +77017990986



Delivered disciplines

Design and operation of telecommunication networks, packet and hybrid switching networks 


2003 - 2007AlmatycollegeofcommunicationatKAU:Specialty: Multichannel – telecommunication systems, state university

2008 - 2012"Academy of Film and Television " University "Turan" .Specialty: radio-technical, electronics and telecommunications

2014 - 2016KazATK (scientificandpedagogical)Specialty: radio-technical, electronics and telecommunications

Working Experience

2007 – 2011  - specialist of the subscription service group (GAS) Agency the provision of telecommunication services (APUT)  «SHYGYS»  «Almatytelecom» - branch-office  «Kazakhtelecom».

- sales specialist of the customer service section of the telecommunications service agency (APUT)  «Shygys-1»   «Almatytelecom» -  «Kazakhtelecom».

- position technician for working with subscribers of the first category of the customer service section of the telecommunications service agency (APUT)  «Shygys-1»   «Almatytelecom» - office-branch  «Kazakhtelecom».

2012 – 2018- Teacher at Almaty College of communications


Awards and certificates

2008 - Diploma «Leader of Sales of services» 

2008 - «KazakhtelecomDiploma «The most effective sales leader ADSL»Diploma (Sales Leader АDSL)

2016 - Diplom on scientific and pedagogical internship(training 72 hours) Tashkent city

2018- Diploma for the 1st category on the topic - "Innovative knowledge in modern science and education" Almaty

Courses taught

Design and operation of telecommunication networks, packet and hybrid switching networks

Professional Skills Improvement

2017 May 22 to October 27- Certificate for participation in the week with robots in Almaty

2018 - Courses«Programs to reduce information inequality in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

2018 - Certificateofparticipation - «Innovative knowledge in modern science and education» Almaty