Main / ППС / Lapteva Irina
Lapteva Irina

Lapteva Irina


Candidate of architecture

Phone: 8 (717) 2-397559



Sphere of scientific interests Architecture . Planning of buildings .

Delivered disciplines Architectural planning



Kazakh agrotechnical university named under S. Seyfullin, architectural faculty


Work  experience

since 2006 and until the present

Kazakh agrotechnical university named under S. Seyfullin, architectural faculty


Awards and Honors

- the diploma of the II degree on the XIII International review competition of  architecture and design degree projects, VGASU, Volgograd, Russia, 2004.

Advanced training courses

  1. Development of the masterplanning of the city of Astana in the 80th years of the XX century. The messenger of science of KAZATU of S. Seyfullin. Astana, 2007. - No. 4 (47). – Page 361-365.

  2. Regional features of formation of masterplanning of Astana. Messenger Kaz of GASA. – Almaty, 2010. - No. 1 (35). - Page 43-4