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Medetov Bekbolat Zhaksylykovich

Medetov Bekbolat Zhaksylykovich


PhD, senior lecturer

Office  1235, mob.+7 (707) 209 84 13,


Research interests

Nero-dynamics,optoelectronic sensors, artificial neural networks, intelligent signal processing methods


Delivered disciplines

Digital signal processing;

Basics of analog electronics;

Basics of Digital Electronics;

Microcontrollers and microprocessor technology;

Programmable logic integrated circuits

Modern methods of signal processing;

Information security of radio engineering devices.


The main research directions

Development of optoelectronic sensors, design of devices for converting mechanical vibrations into electricity, dynamic neural systems, speech technologies

Current research projects

- Organisation of information protection against leakage in current-carrying lines departing from technical means (project manager);

-Research and development of a method for identifying a person by short phrases based on the use of deep neural networks (Project Manager);

-Development of multilingual automatic speech recognition technology using deep neural networks (member of the research group);

-Artificial neural networks in the educational process in modeling complex physical phenomena (member of the research group).


Supervision the research work of Undergraduate and Doctoral students


Doctoral students: Тolegenova А., AlbanbayN., Isimova А.

Undergraduates: ErtaevА.М., Baybulov.М.



Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics and Technology-Physics


Master’s degree program at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics and Technology-Physics


Doctoral studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics and Technology-Radio-technical, electronics and telecommunications

Work Experience

2000-2001 Design Institute "Kazgiproneftetrans", Engineer-programmer

2001-2006 Banking service bureau of the national bank of the republic of Kazakhstan, chief specialist-programmer

2007-2010 «АTF Bank »,information technology expert

2010-2018 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, senior lecturer department of solid state physics and nonlinear physics,

2018 – 2019 Director of the Pedagogical Stem Park of the Abai Kazakh Nation Pedagogical University

2019 – 2020Senior lecturer of the Department of Solid State Physics and Nonlinear Physics of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

2020- till now Senior lecturer of the department of radio-techniques, electronics and telecommunications of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University


Courses taught

Digital signal Processing, modeling and optimization of telecommunication systems and networks, information security, modern problems of the theory of ultrahigh-frequency (microwave) technology.



More than 30 scientific articles and educational and methodical works have been published

1. MedetovB.Zh., Weiß, R. G., Zhanabaev, Z. Z., &Zaks, M. A. Numerically induced bursting in a set of coupled neuronal oscillators// Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. – 2015. – Т. 20. – №. 3. – С. 1090-1098.

2. MedetovB.Zh., Tolegenova, A., Kisała, P. A., Zhetpisbayeva, A., Mamyrbayev, O. Experimental determination of the characteristics of a transmission spectrum of tilted fiber Bragg gratings// Metrology and Measurement Systems. – 2019. – С. 581-589.

3. Albanbay N., MedetovB.Zh, Zaks M. Statistics of Lifetimes for Transient Bursting States in Coupled Noisy Excitable Systems// Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. – 2020.

4. Michael Zaks, Albanbay N., MedetovB.Zh. Distribution of lifetimes for transient bursting states in coupled noisy excitable systems//15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE «Dynamical SystemsTheory and Applications» Łódź, POLAND. December 2-5, 2019



2017 - MedetovB.Zh. Nalibaev E.D., Isimova A.T. Workshop on circuitry of analog devices. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2017 - 116 pages.

2017- NaurzbaevaA.Zh., AlimgazinovaN.Sh., MedetovB.Zh., Manapbaeva A.B. Nonlinear signal analysis - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2017

2018- Workshop on circuitry of digital devices / MedetovB.Zh., Nalibayev E.D., Isimova AT, N. Albanbay. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2018. - 74 p