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Meirambay Aidana

Meirambay Aidana


Master of  Science, Assistant of

Physics and Chemistry Department

Office 2305

Phone  38-96-46



Sphere of scientific interests

Mathematical physics, Cosmology and gravity

Delivered disciplines

General physics

Teaching courses

General physics

The main research directions

Mathematical physics, Cosmology and gravity



Bachelor’s degree Physics Department of the L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University


Master course L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University, Physics Department


Postgraduate study L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University, Physics Department (PhD)


Work experience

Since 2016

Assistant of Physics and Chemistry Department, S.Seifullin KATU



  • 2016 - "Gravitational interaction and calibration method" Belarusian State University (Belarus, Minsk).
  • 2019 - "Exchange visiting scolar program" California State University (USA, Fresno).
  • 2020 - "Exact solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation" Novosibirsk State University (Russia, Novosibirsk.)

Published works

  1. Erzhanov K.K., Mejrambaj A. Kosmologija otskoka v modificirovannoj teorii gravitacii Gaussa-Bonne, Haos i struktury v nelinejnyh sistemah. Teorija i jeksperiment.: Materialy 9-oj mezhdunarodnoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 90-letiju akademika E.A.Buketova, - Karaganda, 2015.- Pp. 144-146.

  2. Mejrambaj A., K.K.Erzhanov Kosmologicheskaja model' v gravitacii Gaussa-Bonne. Vestnik, - Astana: ENU, 2016, - №2 (111), Pp. 429-432.

  3. Erzhanov K.K., Mejrambaj A. Kosmologija otskoka v modificirovannoj Gaussa-Bonne teorii gravitacii. Nauka i obrazovanie – 2016: HI Mezhdunarodnaja nauchnaja konferencija studentov i molodyh uchenyh posvjashhennoj 20-letiju ENU im.L.N. Gumileva, - Astana, 2016.-Pp. 236-239.

  4. Mejrambaj A., Erzhanova Zh. Primenenie Uravnenie Janga -Bakstera Dlja Massivnogo Propagatora Fejnmana. Sbornik materialov XIV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii studentov i molodyh uchenyh «Nauka i obrazovanie – 2018», Pp. 439-441.

  5. Konkyshev M.Z., Mejrambaj A., Bauyrzhanқyzy G., Zhasybaeva M. B. Teorija supersimmetrii Janga – Millsa v deformacionnoj modelej AdS5 × S5. Sbornik materialov XIV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii studentov i molodyh uchenyh «Nauka i obrazovanie - 2019», Pp. 282-284.

  6. Mejrambaj A., Erzhanova Zh.O. Fejnman diagrammasynda massasyz esepteuler үshіn ekі cikldі қoldanu. VІI Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija molodyh uchenyh, studentov i shkol'nikov «ZhAS ҒALYM-2019». Taraz, 2019. - Pp. 60-62.

  7. Meirambay, A., Yerzhanov K. K., Yerzhanova Zh. O.Feynman diagrams as a fully integrable lattice statistical system. ENU Bulletin, №2(127)2019, - Pp. 31-37.

  8. Yerzhanov, K. K., Meyrambay A., Kazbek I. B. Yang - Baxter equation for boson string in the AdS5 × S5. Bulletin of KazNPU, No. 2 (66) 2019, 127-132.

  9. Yerzhanov, K., Meirambay A.. Solution of the deformed Schwarzschild metric by the Yang-Baxter equation. Karsu Bulletin, №4(96), 2019, Pp.8-14.

  10. Meirambay A., Yerzhanov K. Yang-mills Supersymmetry and deformations of the Ads5 = S5 solution with the Yang-Baxter equation. 8th international conference on mathematical modeling in the physical Sciences, 1391 (2019)012089, Slovakia.