Main / ППС / Mukhambetkaliyeva Gulaim Makhambetovna
Mukhambetkaliyeva Gulaim Makhambetovna

Mukhambetkaliyeva Gulaim Makhambetovna


Candidate of Political Sciences,

Senior lecturer of the Philosophy Department

Office 2708, Phone 38-40-01



Research interests

Foreign policy, interstate cooperation, diaspora, ethnopolitology, migration and adaptation problems

Delivered disciplines

Political science, sociology

The main directions of research

Bilateral cooperation, foreign policy, interethnic interactions


1996-2000 - M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University, Faculty of History, specialty "History"

2002-2005 - al-Farabi Kazakh National University, postgraduate degree in Political Science. Candidate of Political Sciences

Work experience

2000-2010 - Senior Lecturer, West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov

2010-2011 - Senior Lecturer, Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov

2011-2012 - Associate Professor, Eurasian National University named afterL. Gumilyov

2012-2019 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy of the Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. S. Seifullin.

2019-2022 - Analytic-Manager of KIOR

Professional training

  1. September, 2023 - course “Social innovation for NGOs: paving a new path to new consequences.” SIKA, USAID.
  2. March - April, 2022 - online course of UNDP and OPHI of Oxford University
  3. July, 2022 - training course of the Foundation for the Development of Parlamentarism in Kazakhstan
  4. August, 2022 - Micro-course organized by NASA and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica, PRIAS Laboratory and the Humboldt Institute
  5. August, 2021 - "German law in KAZGUU"
  6. May, 2020 - online course "Diasporas in Global Politics" (MGIMO, Moscow)
  7. May, 2020 - International Scientific Congress of Globalists (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow)
  8. June, 2019 - X- International Summer School of Political Scientists, (Nur-sultan)

Awards and honorary letters

  1. Thank you letter. Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development, 2020
  2. Diploma of Honor, for the 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU, 2017
  3. Diploma "For active research and significant contribution to the development of modern science" (UAE, 2016)
  4. Diploma for the best report at the section "Political Sciences" of the XVII International Scientific Conference of Students, postgraduates, young Scientists "Lomonosov-2010" (Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University)

National and international meetings

  1. International Scientific Congress (Moscow, 2020)
  2. International Summer School of Political Scientists (Nur-sultan, 2019)
  3. International Scientific Congress of Political Scientits, (RAPN, MGIMO Moscow, 2018)


Total number of publications-7.

InScopus-basedjournals - 1

in the editions provided by COXON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 15

Textbooks, teaching aids, electronic textbooks (co-written) - 4.

  1. Факторы формирования гражданской идентичности среди этнических групп Республики Казахстан//Политические вызовы и политический диалог в условиях глобальной турбулентности: Материалы Всероссийской конференции РАПН с международным участием. - Москва, 2022. - 536 с.
  2. National policy and the media in the formation of environmental awareness among students of Kazakhstan// Media Watch 11 (3), 2020 (Scopus).
  3. К проблеме роста националистических настроений в социальных сетях// Электр. сб. тезисов участников VI Международного научного конгресса, МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова 18-22 мая 2020 г., 760 с.
  4. Национальный доклад «Казахстанские семьи-2020», МИОР РК, 2020
  5. Аналитический доклад «Изучение жизнедеятельности локальных этнических групп, в том числе закрытых этнических сообществ (анклавов), в местах их компактного проживания», МИОР РК, 2020
  6. Some aspects of internationalization of higher education (illustrated on the example of FRG [Federal Republic of Germany] and the Republic of Turkey)// Bulletin the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  Volume 3, Number 379 (2019)
  7. Some aspects of city management policies in the Republic of Kazakhstan//Журнал Spirit-time №5(17). VOL.1, 2019, Берлин