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Mukhanov Nurbolat Kaiyrboldyevich

Mukhanov Nurbolat Kaiyrboldyevich


PhD, senior lecturer of the Department
of «Farming and Plant growing»
Office 5220, phone 8 702 688 82 93

Sphere of scientific interests
Irrigated agriculture, crop production and field, pasture forage production

Delivered disciplines
Feed production, scientific foundations of organic farming

Main research areas
Irrigated agriculture, field and pasture forage production, crop production

Current research projects
On scientific and technical progress (STP) "Irrigation technologies and technical means during the introduction of new irrigation lands, reconstruction and modernization of existing irrigation systems" on event 7 "Formation of highly productive agrophytocenoses of forage crops on irrigated lands of northern Kazakhstan" (Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
By Targeted financing program (TFP) “Develop an agricultural system for cultivating agricultural crops (cereals, legumes, oilseeds and industrial crops) using elements of cultivation technology, differentiated nutrition, plant protection products and equipment for cost-effective production based on a comparative study of various cultivation technologies for the regions of Kazakhstan” ( IRN: BR10764908) for the event “Development and transfer of effective technological schemes for cultivating agricultural crops” (Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

2003 – 2008 S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University, Department of agronomy – agronomist
2010 – 2011S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University, Department of agronomy – master of Agronomy
2015 – 2018Kazakh agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, Department of agronomy – PhD study

Work experience
2011-2016 - Department of agriculture and plant growing
2012-2015 - Deputy Dean for education of Agronomy Department
Since 2018 – 2020 Assistant of the Department of «Farming and Plant growing»
From 2021 – senior lecturer of the Department of «Farming and Plant growing»

Advanced training courses
Scientific internship at the Russian State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev on the topic "Transfer and adaptation of modern agricultural technologies in the field of creating safe, high–quality feed for farm animals", 2022

The author Publications
The author has more than 50 scientific papers. The most important of the mare the following:
Mukhanov N., Serekpayev, N., Balgabayev N., Stybayev G, Baitelenova A., Nogayev, A. Efficiency of Japanese Millet (Echinochloa Furmentacea) Fodder Crop Cultivation in the Arid Steppe. Online Journal of Biological Sciences, 2023, 23 (4). Р.424-431;
Zargar M., Stybayev G., Serekpayev, N., Balgabayev N., Zharlygassov Z., Baitelenova A., Nogayev, A., Mukhanov N. Spring-Planted Cover Crop Impact on Weed Suppression, Productivity, and Feed Quality of Forage Crops in Northern Kazakhstan. Agronomy 2023, 13(5), 1278, Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, https: //; 
Nogayev, A., Serekpayev, N., Stybayev G., Baitelenova A., Mukhanov N. Yield and nutritional value of forage crops for dairy goat production in the steppe of Northern Kazakhstan. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), ISSN: 2224-4980, Vol. 12(4). 2022. P.481-490;
Stybayev G., Serekpayev N., Yancheva H., Baitelenova A., Nogayev A., Mukhanov N. Succession dynamics, quality, and production in improved and natural pastures in Northern Kazakhstan. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS), 27 (Suppl. 1), 2021. P.95–102. Sofia, Bulgaria;
Baitelenova A., Kurbanbayev A., Stybayev G., Yancheva H., Serekpayev N., Mukhanov N. Photosynthetic potential and productivity of annual mixed crops in Northern Kazakhstan. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS), 27 (Suppl. 1), 2021. P.85–94. Sofia, Bulgaria; 
Муханов Н.К., Стыбаев Г.Ж., Жарылгасов Ж.Б., Байтеленова А.А. Повышение экологической безопасности поливных норм при орошаемом возделывании кормовых культур в условиях степной зоны Северного Казахстана. Многопрофильный научный журнал 3i intellect, idea, innovation - интеллект, идея, инновация, №2, Кустанай, 2023.-С.148-156;
Ногаев А.А., Серекпаев Н.А., Байтеленова А.А.,Муханов Н.К., Әшірбекова І.Ә. Перспективные кормовые культуры для повышения эффективности сырьевого конвейера в условиях сухостепной зоны. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С.Сейфуллина. г. Астана, №3(113), I часть, 2022 г. – С. 12-22;
Жумагулов И.И., Амантаев Б.О., Кульжабаев Е.М., Муханов Н.К. Влияние атмосферных осадков на урожайность яровой пшеницы и ячменя в сухостепной зоне Северного Казахстана. Научный журнал - Исследования, результаты, №3(91), Алматы, 2021.-С.28-36;
Серекпаев Н.А., Ногаев А.А., Муханов Н.К. Оценка эффективности возделывания африканского проса на корм и семена в условиях степной зоны Акмолинской области. Научный журнал - Исследования, результаты, №1(085), Алматы, 2020.-С.363-369;