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Mustafayeva Ayaulym Kakenovna

Mustafayeva Ayaulym Kakenovna


Candidate of Technical Sciences. Аssociate

professor  of the department "Technology of

food and processing industries"

Кабинет 4101, тел. 8(747) 604-41-29




Sphere of scientific interests

Studies of the grinding process in the field of processes and devices of food manufactures, engineering and food technology and training scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of technic and technology of food production

Scientific qualification

Academic degree-2011 Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.18.12 «Processes and devices of food production» 

The main directions of research

Technology of production of milk and dairy products, technology of bread and bakery products, technology of pasta. 

Supervision of master’s and doctoral students

Defended thesis - 7

Students - 2 


1996-2001-Specialist, specialty 140740 "Machines and apparatus of food production», state enterprise «Semipalatinsk state University named after Shakarim», faculty of engineering and technology (Semey)

2001-2002 - Semipalatinsk state University named after Shakarim. Master's degree in 551450-Technological machines and equipment. 

Work experience

2002-2007-Lecturer of the Department "Machines and apparatus of food production" of SSU. ShakarimState University

2007-2010-Senior lecturer of the Department "Machines and apparatus of food production" of SSU. ShakarimState University

2010-2016-acting associate Professor of the Department "Machines and apparatus of food production". ShakarimState University

2016-2018-Deputy Dean of the faculty of engineering and technology of ShakarimState University, Semey

Since 03.09.2018-present senior lecturer in food Technology and processing industries in KazATU S. Seifullin

Awards, certificates of honor

Since 2012, he has been actively involved in state-funded research work 

Research projects

Participation in the implementation of research within the framework of the state order:

2018-2020 «Complex processing of plant raw materials for the purpose of rational use of local natural resources and expanding the range of food products with increased biological value»

2021 «Development of technology using new strains of beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, nutrients and other kits in the production of special dietary foods». 

Awards, certificates of honor

- A scholarship holder of the state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists for 2012-2013; 

Advanced training

- Kazakhstan, Semey, ShakarimSemeystate University, "Modern educational technologies and their use in the educational process of the University", in the amount of 36 hours, 11.03-30.04.2014

-  Russian Federation, Kemerovo technological Institute of food industry, certificate of qualification No. 422400072706 72 hours, 27.02.2015 g.

- Certificate of Completion is presented to MustaphaevaAyaulum for successfully completing the lecture course held between November 21-25, 2016 by Professor Alaattin Sen, Pamukkale University, Department of Biology, covering the following topics: Commonly Used Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

- Certificate of Completion for successfully completing a 5-day course dedicated to modern trends in technology, manufacturing and healthcare, taught by RoeyTzezana, PhD, at ShakarimSemeyState University during October 10-14, 2016   

- Certificate of participation in the XXI international correspondence conference "Development of science in the XXI century". 16.01.2017 g.

- The new academic policy of JSCS.Seifullin KATU in the context of expanding academic and managerial independence Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin Astana 2018

-Course «Жоғарымектептіңбілімберуүдерісіндегіинновациялар /ИПКиДОS.Seifullin KATU», 2018-2019

-CourseraResearchBusinessEnglish: Meeting, 2020 


Author of more than 150 scientific publications in domestic and foreign scientific journals indexed by Scopus, RSCI, CCSES, including 6 textbooks, 3 monographs and 7 preliminary and innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Hirsch index (Scopus) is 3

The most important in the presented areas over the past 5 years: 

Publications inWeb of Science, Scopus:

  1. Change of Yield Stress of Minced Meat Grinded with Different Kind of Cutting Mechanism. Журнал«Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences» (ISSN: 0975-8585; Scopus indexed), выпуск №7 (5), 2016. Стр.498-504.
  2. Development of Minced Meatball Composition for the Population from Unfavorable Ecological Regions. Annual Research & Review in Biology 13(3): 1-9, 2017; Article no.ARRB.33337 (ISSN: 2347-565X).выпуск №13 (3), 2017. Стр.1-9.
  3. Technology of Sour Milk Product For Elderly Nutrition. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. January–February 2018 RJPBCS 9(1) PageNo. 291-295
  4. Chemical And Mineral Composition Of Wheat Germ Of East Kazakhstan Region.  Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. May–June 2018 RJPBCS 9(3) Page No. 471-475
  5. Effect of mechanical processing of minced meat on the change of yield stress. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN (P): 2249–6890; ISSN (E): 2249–8001 Vol. 9, Issue 5, Oct 2019, 333–342 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.
  6. Obtaining and Investigation of the β -Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex with Vitamin D 3Oil Solution.Scientifica, 2020.

Publications in CCSES:

  1. Sovershenstvovanie bezothodnoj tehnologii proizvodstva plavlenyh syrov s ispol'zovaniem chernoj smorodiny. Nauchnyj zhurnal «Vestnik SGU im. Shakarima». - Semej: SGU im. Shakarima, 2019, № 2. – s. 64-66-
  2. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologii mjasnyh produktov s ispol'zovaniem rastitel'nyh dobavok. Nauchnyj zhurnal «Vestnik GU im. Shakarima g. Semej». – Semej, 2019, № 3(87). – s. 41-43.
  3. Ettі ұsaқtau kezіndegі қysymnyң өzgerіsіn taldau. Nauchnyj zhurnal «Vestnik GU im. Shakarima g. Semej». – Semej, 2019, № 3(87). – s. 109-112.
  4. Aқuyzdy-majly jemul'cijanyң ettі -өsіmdіktі pashtettің taғamdyқ құndylyғyna әserі.Nauchnyj zhurnal «Vestnik GU im. Shakarima g. Semej». – Semej, 2020, № 1(89). – s. 95-100
  5. Et shikіzatyn kesu procesіn teorijalyқ zertteuNauchnyj zhurnal «Vestnik GU im. Shakarima g. Semej». – Semej, 2020, № 4(87). – s. 41-43.


  1. Sovremennoe sostojanie reologii mjasnyh i molochnyh produktov.  Monografija - g. Semej 2018 g. Poligraficheskij centr «Dom pechati»
  2. Et zhәne et-sүjektі shikіzatty mehanikalyқ өңdeu procesterіnің teorijalyқ negіzderі men zhabdyқtary: monografija. Monografija - g. Almaty: Jevero, 2020.– 320 b.
  3. Optimization of combinatorics of functional food ingredients: Monograph. Semey, 2020. – 150


  1. Biotehnologijalyқ zhabdyқtarSemej: «PRINTMASTER» poligrafijalyқ ortalyғy, 2012. – 316
  2. Et zhәne sүt өndіrіsіnің tehnologijalyқ mashinalaryn montazhdau zhәne zhөndeu: oқu құraly Almaty: TechSmith, 2020. -144 bet.
  3. Praktikum po raschetu tehnologicheskogo oborudovanija predprijatij mjasnoj i molochnoj promyshlennosti. Chast' 1: uchebnoe posobie Almaty: Jevero, 2020.– 256 s

Received innovative patents:

  1. Reshetka dlja mjasorubki. Patent na poleznuju model' №4181. Zaregistrirovan v Gosudarstvennom reestre izobretenij Respublik