Main / ППС / Mustafin Beibit Zhanbyrshinovich
Mustafin Beibit Zhanbyrshinovich

Mustafin Beibit Zhanbyrshinovich



Address:Pobeda Avenue, 62,main building

Department of Physical Education

Telephone number: 8707-333-94-963.



1990, Akmola State Pedagogical Institute after named S. Seifullin, specialty - “teacher of physical education”.

Work experience

1990-1991– Boxing coacher in Sports school for children,  Khorgalzhin  area, Akmola.

1991-1994. – Teacherof physical education in   secondary school №4,Akmola.

1994-1998. – Teacherof physical education insecondary Tehnical colledge-21,. Khorgalzhin area, Akmola.

1998-2001.   – Teacherof physical education in   secondary school №26,Astana.

2001-2002.  – Teacherof physical education inEuraisian Human Strategy Institute of Astana.

2002-2003.  – Inspector of  Minister of internal affair in the  Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana.

2003-2008.   -  Teacherof physical education at the Economical colledge of Astana.

2008-2013. - Physical education lecturer in Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin.

Advanced training courses

  1. Qualification Improvement Course. The methodical process of high school  12 in the Health Safety Center.
  2. The computer course, Program on reduction of informational quality the republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, 01 August 2007, №711310
  3. 2015- The center of innovative technology named after Professor O.Sizdykov “The use of innovative technologies in the physical training lessons” 72 hours, Certificate , Astana
  4. 2015- RGKP” The national scientific and practical center of physical culture” on a specialty 530108 ” Physical culture and sport” 72 hours, certificate № 0303, Almaty
  5. 2015 - Courses on the specialty of “Medical rehabilitation” on the topic „ The  use of modern techniques inremedial gymnastics”
  6. Certificate INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE for participation family physical sport commutation,2001.
  7. The Eurasian national University named after L.N. Gumilev, the faculty of social sciences, the department of physical education.  The scientific methodological seminar on the topic„ Modern  trends in the development of physical culture and sports” .Certificate , Astana


Published works

  1. The theme of the department „The  level dynamics of physical  preparation of the  students   the 1-2 ‘ courses . State registration № 0103РК0073
  2. 2015- Scientific journal, ISSN 1811-1793, Vestnik, PGU after S. Toraigyrov “Quality management of educational services on the basis of application of economic methods in management of physical culture and sports” ,№ 1, p. 9 Pavlodar
  3. 2015- Scientific journal, ISSN 1811-1793, Vestnik, PGU after S. Toraigyrov “The role of strategic planning in the management of the University”, ,№ 1, p. 44 Pavlodar The research work with students: organization, studying and preparation of reports at the students’ scientific conference.