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Myrzabayeva Malika Tolendykyzy

Myrzabayeva Malika Tolendykyzy



PhD, Senior lecturer of

department "Plant  protection and quarantine"

Mobile phone: phone: 8 (7172) 31-75-50


Research interests
Investigation of abiotic (salinity, drought)  and biotic (viral and bacterial infection) stress in plants and their biochemical adaptive mechanisms.

Immune system of plants, Biotechnology of plants, Cultivation of plants under greenhouse conditions (russian)

Main directions of research

Plant physiology, plant biotechnology, biochemical adaptation of plants to abiotic stress factors. 

Research projects

- Scientific consultant for project "Development of technology for accelerating growth and increasing the yield of agricultural crops using microbial cultures, obtained according to the simplified technology, and development of the technology of presowing treatment of seeds on the basis of Kazakhstan's diatomite and study its impact on plant growth", private institution "Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System", Nazarbayev University.

Graduate and PhD  students working under the supervision

L.Jaksybaeva, A. Kassenova .


1998-2002 .  L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, bachelor  degree in 5B060700 -"Biology".

2002-2004.   L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Master  degree in 6M060700 -"Biology".

2008-2010.   Ben-Gurion University. Israel, Master of sciences N3906666.

2010-2013. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, PhD  degree in 6D060700 -"Biology".

Work experience

2002– 2003.

Lab. assistant, Меdical college of Astana. 

02.09.2003-  01.11.2003.

Teacher of Biology, Medical college of Astana.

2010 –2016.


01.10.2016-  atpresent

Senior lecturer at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Department of general biology and genomics.

Senior lecturer of the Department "Plant protection and quarantine» at S. Seifullin Kazakh agro technical University


The certificate on improvement of qualification of the teaching staff of L. N. Gumilev ENU in Sweden, Stockholm University, Uppsala University, Karolinska Institute, 2014.

National and international meetings

- Meeting with experts, international consultants on locusts, FAO professors A.V. Lachininskii, E.V. Kambulin, F.A. Gapparov. – Astana, 17.11.2016.

- Seminar-meeting with Maria Pobozniak, Associate professor, PhD, (Cracow Agricultural University, Poland) on theme "The main directions of plant protection in organic farming in Poland." – Astana, Dec. 9, 2016.


Author more than 25 scientific papers. The most important in the presented directions:

  1. Myrzabayeva, Z.Alikulov, N.Moldakymova, A. Abdraym.«Evaluation of two different halophytes: Inula crithmoides and Crithmum maritimum for an antioxidant capacity and metabolites with high nutritional value under salinity stress», Халықаралық конференция бағдарламалары III-Humboldt – Kolleg "Қазіргі қоғамның орнықты дамуы мен табиғаттың өзара ғаламдық байланысы туралы Гумбольдтік негізгі танымның ролі", 2011.
  2. Ventura, W.Aberra, M. Myrzabayeva, Z. Alikulov, S. Cohen, Z. Shemer, M. Sagi. «Effect of seawater concentration on the productivity and nutritional value of annual Salicornia and perennial Sarcocornia halophytes as leafy vegetable crops», Journal "Scientia hortiсulturae". Vol 128. (2011). Impact factor- 1.5.
  3. Шалахметова Г.А, М. Т., Мырзабаева С.Алтайулы, З. Аликулов. «Изучение осмопротектанта, стимулирующего проростание семян галофитов в условиях засоления», Хабаршы, Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, 2011,№4.
  4. Alikulov, M. Myrzabaeva, T. Utupov, O. Babenko, «Xenobiotic transforming activity of animal», Хабаршы, Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті №4 (56) 2012.
  5. Malika Myrzabayeva, «Сomparative study of secondary metabolites with nutritional values of Crithmum maritimum and Inula crithmoides under salinity stress», Plant Biology -2012 annual meeting, Texas, Austin. 20-24 July, 2012.
  6. Yvonne Ventura, Malika Myrzabayeva, Zerekbay Alikulov, Shabtai Cohen, Zion Shemer, Moshe Sagi, «The importance of iron supply during repetitive harvesting of Aster tripolium», (2013) Functional Plant Biology, Impact factor- 2.92.
  7. Yvonne Ventura, Malika Myrzabayeva, Zerekbay Alikulov, Rustem Omarov, Inna Khozin Goldberg. «Effects of salinity on flowering, morphology, biomass accumulation and leaf metabolites in the edible halophyte Crithmum maritimum» (2014) Annals of Botany Plants. Impact factor – 3,295.