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Myrzaly Makhabbat Bekbolatqyzy

Myrzaly Makhabbat Bekbolatqyzy


Master of Arts

Assistant of Foreign languages department

Office  2614, tel. +7 (702) 436-59-91


Sphere of scientific interests

English language teaching methodology

Delivered disciplines

Foreign language (English language).


2014-2018 уу.

Eurasian National University after L.N. Gumilyov, Philology faculty, department of foreign philology

Specialty: Foreign philology (English language)

2018-2020 уу.

Master's degree

Eurasian National University after L.N. Gumilyov, Philology faculty, department of foreign philology

Specialty: Foreign philology


Work experience

since  2020 y.

S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Department of Foreign Languages, Assistant




Training courses

Advanced training program ‘Distance educational technologies in higher education’, 2020.

Published works

  1. Myrzaly M.B. «Literary text as a unit of formation of linguistic knowledge» (Problems of multilingualism in polyethnic space. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Alexander von Humboldt. Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov), 2019 (ISBN 978-601-326-062-4) p.336-340.
  2. Myrzaly M.B. «Pragmatic potential of Abai's philological treatise "The Book of Words"» (Topical issues of foreign philology, linguodidactics and translation. Proceedings of the VIII International scientific-practical seminar. Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov), 2020 (ISBN 978-601-326-420-2) p.70-76.