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Narbayev Serik

Narbayev Serik


Candidate of agricultural sciences
Office №8103, tel. +7 - 701 – 376 – 52 - 02
Е - mail:

Sphere of scientific interests
The development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan and the protection of wildlife

Delivered disciplines
Animal husbandry
Biotechnologies and protection of natural bioresources
Fish nutrition and feeding

1991 - 1996 Akmola agricultural institute, Zooengineering faculty, speciality, animal husbandry
1998 - 2002 Post of the Kazakh agrotechnical university

Work experience
1996 - 2001  Assistant of department of breeding and genetics of animals of the S.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university
2001-2004 is an assistant of department of " Hunting study  and fish industry"
2004  is an item Teacher of department of " Hunting study  and fish industry"
2004-2011  Deputy. of dean of faculty on training to educator work
2011-2014 Deputy. of dean of faculty on educational work
2014-2017 and till now Departments of " Hunting study  and fishery"
2017 to the present day ass.professor of the Department of "Hunting and Fisheries"

Awards and Honours
2012 medal “55 th  anniversary of  KATU”
2014 diploma education and science Department
2017 – Badge "Altynsarin" Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2023-award-winning title "excellence in the field of ecology" of the Ministry of Ecology and private resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Advanced training courses
2010 Urumqi, Shynzhansky agricultural university
2010 "Development of steady aquiculture" the International year (Program of the third countries) Turkey, Trabzon, Bodrum,Antalya and Istanbul
2011 Mongolia, Ulan bator, Mongolian agricultural university
2021 Nursultan city, International Summer School Training Course
2022 Almaty, Distance learning course on the topic "Hunting and animal husbandry"

Published works
More than 60 works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:
1. Сыздыков К.Н., Нарбаев С., Асылбекова А.С., Куанчалеев Ж.Б. Динамика роста мозамбикской тиляпии (Oreochromis mossambicus) в условиях НИЦ «Рыбное хозяйство». Ж. Вестник Государственного университета имени Шакарима, №1 (85) 2019. 
2. INFLUENCE OF WATER MINERALIZATION ON ZOOPLANKTON PRODUCTIVITY IN RESERVOIRS OF AKMOLA REGION. Periodico Tche Quimica. Vol.34,  pp 520-527, 2020. G.Aubakirova , Zh. Adilbekov, S.Narbayev.
3. Experience of tilapia introduction at geothermal sources of Kazakhstan. Periodico Tche Quimica, 2020, 17(35), с. 1096-1109 (Scopus CiteScore 2019-1,5  Percentile -72), Сыздыков К.Н., Нарбаев С.Н., Асылбекова А.С., Баринова Г.К., Куанчалеев Ж.Б.
4. Есмуханбетов Д.Н., Нарбаев С.Н., Карагойшин Ж.К. и др. Динамика численности Тугайного оленя в Казахстане и факторы, ее определяющие. ВЕСТНИК ОХОТОВЕДЕНИЯ научно-практический и теоретический журнал. Том 17, №3, 
5. Есмуханбетов Д.Н., Нарбаев С.Н., Карагойшин Ж.К. и др. Динамика численности и факторы, влияющие на Тугайного оленя в Казахстане. Современные проблемы охотоведения и экологии. ВЯТСКАЯ ГСХА. Киров 2021.
6. Карагойшин Ж. М., Бекеева С.А., Нарбаев С. Пути миграции гусеобразных (Anseriformes) Центрального Казахстана. ВЕСТНИК ЗКУ, 2(86) – 2022.
7. Sarsenbay K. Abdrakhmanov , Yersyn Y. Mukhanbetkaliyev , Aizada A. Mukhanbetkaliyeva , Kanatzhan K. Beisembayev , Aslan A. Bayniyazov , Serik Narbayev, Kairat K. Yessenbayev. ) EPIDEMIOLOGICAL MONITORING THE PESTE DES PETITS RUMINANTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Technology, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. HERALD OF SCIENCE OF S. SEIFULLIN KAZAKH AGROTECHNICAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY:VETERINARY SCIENCES № 3 (003). 10.51452/kazatuvc.2023.3 (003).1501 UDC 619:614.449(045).