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Nauryz Kanysh Zhanabergenkyzy

Nauryz Kanysh Zhanabergenkyzy


senior teacher of department of «Radio Engineering, Electronics And Telecommunications»

Auditorium1235, telephone.+7(7172) 39-51-99



Sphere of scientific interests

Telecommunications, networktechnologies

Delivered disciplines

"Cable communication systems", "Technologies of cheap communication networks", "Fundamentals of telecommunications"

Main areas of research

Issues of designing telecommunication networks


1987-1990 years  Almaty electrotechnical school of communication, specialty "AutomaticTelecommunication", techniciantelecommunication.

1991-1997 years  Tashkent electrotechnical institute of communication, specialty "Automatic Telecommunication", engineeroftelecommunication.

2016-2019 years Moscow financial and industrial university, correspondence magistracy, specialty "Applied Information Science".


1990 - 2000 years         Station rigger of IV - staff, electro-mechanic technician, senior electro-mechanic technician in ATS of Chardara regional node, Chimkent regional Industrial and Technical Communications Office Ministry of Communications of Kazakh SSR, South Kazakhstan RDT, joint stock company “Qazaqtelekom”.

Since 2000Senior teacher of departments "Radiotechnics, electronics and telecommunication" Kazakh Agrotechnical University name of Saken Seifullin. 2003 -2005 yearsSeniorteacher (atthesametime) ofthedepartmentof "Generalprofessionaldisciplines" oftheAkmolabranchofKazATCnamedafter M. Tynyshpaeva, Astana.

2019 - 2021 yearsLecturer (contract) attheCenterforEvaluationandDevelopmentofRailwayTransportPersonnel, JSC NC KazakhstanTemirZholy, Nur - Sultan.


Thejubileemedal "the 55 anniversaryofKAZATU of S. Seyfullin (2012).

TheletterofacknowledgementfromRNPTs "Okulyk" (2015).

Thejubileemedal "100 anniversaryMalikaGabdullina" (2016).

Thejubileemedal "the 60anniversaryofKAZATU of S. Seyfullin (2017).

A letterofthanksforsocialandeducationalworkfromthedeanoftheenergyfacultyofKazATUof S. Seifullina (2017).

Gratitude from the International Center for Scientific Cooperation "Science and Education" for the preparation of the student's research work (Russia, Penza), (2019).

Certificate of honor from KazATU of S. Seifullin for teaching and educational activities (2019).

Letters of thanks from the educational portal "Mir Olympiads "(Russia, Krasnodar) for active participation in preparing students for the blitz and Internet Olympiads (2017, 2018, 2019).

Certificate of honor from KazATU of S. Seifullin for teaching and educational activities (2021).


"Multiservice subscriber access networks", "Guiding communication systems", "Fundamentals of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications", "Optical communication systems", "Digital communication systems", "Switching in communication systems", "Cable communication systems", "Transport technologies communication networks”, “Fundamentals of telecommunications”.

Republican and international meetings

ExpertintheScientificandPracticalCenter "Учебник" oftheMinistryofEducationandScienceoftheRepublicofKazakhstaninthedirectionof "RadioEngineering, ElectronicsandTelecommunications".

Invitedlectureratthe "CenterforAssessmentandDevelopmentofRailwayTransportPersonnel" NC "КТЖ" Astana.

Expertinspecialassessmentoftheworkspresentedatthepedagogicalconferencesoftheelectronicportal "Знанио" (Smolensk, Russia).

Advanced training(2018-2022years)

Certificate of completi on of the internship programat JSC National Infocommunication Holding Zerde, Nur-Sultan, 2018.

Certificate of Latyn graphics: "Ogytuteorisymengrafikasy", "BaitursynovAcademy", Nur-Sultan, 2019.

CertificateofcompletionoftheinternshipprogramatAllemEngineeringcomnany LLP, Nur - Sultan, 2019.

Certificate "ConflictManagement", HhAcademy, Russia, Moscow, 2019.

Certificateofadvancedtraining "Methodsoforganizingdigitalizationandinformatizationofeducation" LLC "Instituteforthedevelopmentofeducation, advancedtrainingandretraining" Abakan, Russia, 2020.

ICT Competency Certificate. Educational portal "World - Olympics" (Russia, Krasnodar), 2020.

Certificateofadvancedtraining "Methodsoforganizingdigitalizationandinformatizationofeducation" LLC "Instituteforthedevelopmentofeducation, advancedtrainingandretraining" Abakan, Russia, 2021.

Certificate of advanced training "Network technologies: Ways of organizing computer networks and types of network equipment", Capital Training Center LLC, Moscow, Russia, 2021.

Publications(2018-2022 years)

There are more than 100 educational and methodical publications and scientific publications, including:

1. Nauryz K .Z., Zharikova B.S., Kusainova K.T. Kratko o radiotekhnike (vvodnyj kurs). Proizvodstvo: PediaPressGmbH. Moritz-Hilf-Str. 726. LimburganderLahn. Germany. http// 2018. - 145 s.

2. Nauryz K. Z.    InformacionnayasistemadlyametrologicheskojsluzhbyInternet - provajdera. «Internauka»: nauchnyjzhurnal - № 24(58). CHast' 1. - M., Izd. «Internauka», 2018. S.15 - 19.

3. NauryzK.Z. Telekommunikaciya salasyndagy terminderdі қoldanudagy mәseleler. Zәki Ahmetovtің tuganyna 90 zhyltoluynaarnalgan «Ruhanizhaңgyru: gylymimurazhәneulttyққundylyқtar» attyHalyқaralyқgylymi - tәzhіribelіkkonferenciyasymaterialdarynyңzhinagy. - Oskemen: S. Amanzholovatyndagy SHҚMU «Berel» baspasy, 2018. B. 438 - 441.

4. Ajtzhanova N.T., TOlegenova A.S., AkmalaevK.A., Nauryz K.Z., Kazieva N.M. Issledovanievozmozhnostivnedreniya 5G mobil'nojsvyazi v Kazahstane. Materialovedenie. Institutfiziko - tekhnicheskihproblem i materialovedeniyaim. ZH. ZHeenbaevaNacional'nojAkademiinaukKyrgyzskojRespubliki (Bishkek). № 1 (29), 2019. S.13 - 16.

5. Ajtzhanova N.T., TOlegenova A.S., AkmalaevK.A., Nauryz K.Z., Kazieva N.M. Primeneniesovremennyhtekhnologijdlyarazrabotkielektronnogouchebnogoposobiya. Materialovedenie. Institutfiziko - tekhnicheskihproblem i materialovedeniyaim. ZH. ZHeenbaevaNacional'nojAkademiinaukKyrgyzskojRespubliki (Bishkek). № 1 (29), 2019. S.10 –

6. Nauryz Қ.ZH. Radioқolzhetkіzіmzhelіsіtekhnologiyalarynyңerekshelіkterі. Respublikanskayanauchno - teoreticheskayakonferenciya «Sejfullinskiechteniya - 16». Sb. material. Mezhdunarod. nauch. - teoret. konf. - Nur - Sultan, 2020. S 126 – 128.

7. «Mobil'dіbajlanyszhyelerі. Blok-skhemalardankurulgan». Elektrondyokukuraly. Avtorlyk қuқyқ penkorgalatynob"ektіlergekukyktardyң memlekettіk tіzіmge mәlіmetterdіengіzuturalykuәlіgі №13551 27-karasha 2020 zhyl. (avtory: Muhamedrahimova G. I., MuhamedrahimovK. U.,  NauryzK. ZH.,  Sharіpbai A. Ә.,  Omarbekova A. S.).

8. Hamzina B. E., Soboleva L.A., Nauryz K.Z. Slagaemye professional'noj praktiki. Uchebno - metodicheskoe posobie. Nur - Sultan. izd. KazATUim. S.Sejfullina, 2020. - 116 s.

9. Nauryz K.Z. Kratkijobzorperspektivyrazvitiyaelektroniki. Infokommunikacionnye tekhnologii: aktual'nye voprosy cifrovoj ekonomiki. I Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya; Sb. nauch. st. v 1 t. / Pod red. SHuvalova V.P.; Sost.: D.V. Kusajkin, N.V. Budyldina, D.V. Denisov, L.N. Evdakova, M.P. Karacharova. UrTISISibGUTI, 2021. S. 13-17.

10. Hamzina B.E., KusainovaK.T.,  Nauryz K.Z., Imanmadirov D.K., Kabibulatov A.A. Zavisimost' minimumaspektrapropuskaniyanaklonnyhvolokonnyhreshetokBreggaottemperatury. Tekhnika i tekhnologiyasovremennyhproizvodstv: sbornikstatej II Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem/MNIC PGAU. – Penza: RIO PGAU, 2021. C. 96-101.

11. K.Z.Nauryz, B.E.Hamzina, L.A.Coboleva. Kәcіptіk tәzhіribe kuraushylary: oku-әdіctemelіkkuraly. Nur-Sultan: C. CejfullinatyndagyKazATUbacpacy, 2020. - 108 b.

12. Hamzina B.E., NauryzK.Z., Mirmanov A.B. Slovar' terminovporadiotekhnike, elektronike i telekommunikaciinakazahskom, anglijskom i russkomyazykah: uchebnoeposobie. – Nur-Sultan: Izdatel'stvoKATU imeniS.Sejfullina, 2021. -248 s.

13. Zhumazhanov, B., Zhetpisbayeva, A., Zhetpisbayev, K., Yerishova, M., Tolegenova, A., Serikov, T., Dunayev, P., Nauryz K., Kussainova,K., &Uristimbek, G. Modeling the method for determining the stimulated brillouin scattering threshold in a single-mode optical fiber. Eastern-EuropeanJournalofEnterpriseTechnologies, 1(5(115), 6–13. (2022).