Main / ППС / Nurbatyrova Turgangul Sansyzbayevna
Nurbatyrova Turgangul Sansyzbayevna

Nurbatyrova Turgangul Sansyzbayevna


Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior

lecturer of department of physics and chemistry

Office 2305

Рhone 38-96-46



Sphere of scientific interests

Methodological foundations for improving an educational physical experiment

Delivered Disciplines

General physics course, Physics-1, Physics-2,Technical physics

Teaching courses

General physics course

The main research directions

Innovative technology of teaching physics at the university


1972 - 1976

 Abai Kazakh pedagogical institute, Physics faculty.

1996 – 1998

Postgraduate study at the University of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


Work experience

1976 – 1994

Physics teacher at a secondary school in Mangistau region.

1994 –2015

Lecturer, senior lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of the Physics and Informatics Department, Sh.Yessenov Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering.

2015 to the present time

Senior lecturer of the Physics and Chemistry Department of the S.Seifulin KazATU.


Awards, certificates

  • Medal in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Mangistau region, 2014
  • Medal “Algys”, MES RK, 2017.


  • Advanced course "Teaching Methods and Quality Management in Higher Education", University of Heinrich Heine, Germany, Dusseldorf, 2010.
  • Using the SAMR model to enhance technology integration and develop students competence in English, and meta competency in general terms. Astana, 2016;
  • Problems of information literacy and innovative security in education: Innovative methods of Physics teaching. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2017;
  • New academic policy of JSC S. Seifullin "KATU"/ Customs Service S. Seifullin KazATU, 2018;

Published works

Author of more than 60 scientific papers, including the most important ones:

  1. Fizikalyq oqu jeksperimentіnіn adіstemelіk zhujesі arqyly bіlіm beru. Qazaqstan Pedagogikalyq Gylymdar Akademijasynyn Habarshysy, 2014, №2.
  2. Modern technologies of distance education. SEATTLE-2013: 4-th international academic research conference on business, education, nature and technology, 2013, 4-5 nojabrja, Sbornik, 331-333s. 
  3. Virtual'dy fizikalyq eksperiment – fizikadagy zhana tehnologija. ІІІ Halyqaralyq GPK: L.N.Gumilev Eurazija ulttyқ universitetі, 2012, 28-30 ijun', Pp. 445-448.
  4. Osobennosti provedenija laboratornyh rabot po fizike. Mezhdunarodnyj dvujazychnyj Zhurnal «Nauka i Mir», 2015, №4(20), str. 81-84. Impakt-faktor zhurnala – 0,325.
  5. Fizikany oqytuda ulttyq pedagogika elementterіn pajdalanu. Іzdenіs –Poisk zhurnaly №3/ 2014, str. 176-184.
  6. Komp'juternye eksperimenty po issledovaniju dvizhenija tela v odnorodnom gravitacionnom pole. Vestnik KazNITU 367 – 373 bet, №3, 2018 KKSON.
  7. Svidetel'stvo avtorskih prav pod nazvaniem «Estestvennye central'nye sily (programma dlja EVM)», 2018.
  8. Formirovanie ponjatija potencial'noj energii. Vestnik KazNITU, 2019, №2, str.496 – 500, KKSON.