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Aigerim Akmetzhanovna Nurgaliyeva

Aigerim Akmetzhanovna Nurgaliyeva


Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department

of Kazakh (Qazaq) and Russian languages

Tel: +77471617751



Sphere of academic interests:

linguacultural conceptology, essence of the translation as intercultural communication, intercultural asymmetry of the concepts.

Readable disciplines: Russian language

Main fields of research: The problem of interpreting meanings in translation of literary texts, national linguistic picture of the world.

Education background:

2006-2010 - Faculty of Philology, Karaganda State University named after Buketov, specialty "5B050118 - Russian language and literature".

2015-2017 - Master's degree at the Faculty of Philology of Karaganda State University named after Academician Buketov, specialty "6M011800 - Russian language and literature".

Work experience:

From September 2022 - senior teacher of the Kazakh(Qazaq)  and Russian languages chair in the humanitarian faculty KATU named after Seifullin.

2018 г. - 08. 2022 - Methodist of Academic Policy Department in Karaganda State Industrial University;

2014 - 2018 г. - Teacher of Russian language and literature in Saransk Humanitarian-Technical College named after  Kunanbayev,

2011 - 2014 - teacher of Russian language and literature of in “College of Actual Education named after academician Akylbaev

2010-2011 - teacher of Russian language and literature  in Communal State-Owned Public Enterprise  "Saransk Humanitarian-Technical College named after Kunanbaev".

Awards, certificates of honor

- Regional scientific - practical conference " Қазіргі бастауыш білім берудің даму жағдайы мен келешегі (Modern state of development and prospects of primary education)". Letter of appreciation from the Director of the Saransk Humanitarian-Technical College named after  Kunanbayev;

- Interregional scientific - practical conference " Абай мұрасы – адамзаттың асыл қазынасы  (Abai's legacy is a precious treasure of humanity)". Сertificate from the educational and methodological center for the development and education of the Karaganda region;

- Interregional scientific - practical conference " Абай мұрасы – адамзаттың асыл қазынасы  (Abai's legacy is a precious treasure of humanity)". Сertificate from the educational and methodological center for the development and education of the Karaganda region;

- Creative movement on multilingualism " Духовно-нравственное созвучие поэтических образов в произведениях Абая и Пушкина(Spiritual and moral consonance of poetic images in the works of Abai and Pushkin)" ,Certificate No. 00083;

- International distant competition " Созвучие пейзажной лирики Абая и Пушкина(The consonance of landscape lyrics of Abay and Pushkin)". The award in the nomination "The best research article".

- The Total Dictation. Letter of appreciation from the head of the "Total Dictation" project, director of the fund for the support of linguistic culture of citizens.

Professional development

2015 y. Development of reading literacy at Russian language and literature lessons.

2016 y. Polylingualism and multicultural space of language in the aspect of cognitive linguistics.

2019 y. Transferring the Qazaq  alphabet to the Latin script: problems of orthography.

2020 y. As part of the renewal of the content of secondary education of the Republic of Qazaqstan.

Publications (in recent years)

- Regional scientific - practical conference "Modern state of development and prospects of primary education". Letter of appreciation from the Director of the Saransk Humanitarian-Technical College named after  Kunanbayev;

- Interregional scientific - practical conference " Abay's legacy is a precious treasure of humanity". Сertificate from the educational and methodological center for the development and education of the Karaganda region;

- Interregional scientific - practical conference "Abay's legacy is a precious treasure of humanity". Сertificate from the educational and methodological center for the development and education of the Karaganda region;

- Creative movement on multilingualism " Spiritual and moral consonance of poetic images in the works of Abai and Pushkin", Certificate No. 00083;

- II International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of philology" , "The concept of the concept in linguacognitology and linguaculturology". Certificate of the editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Young Scientist".

- Research society of students "Зерде (The study)", "The consonance of landscape lyrics of Abay and Pushkin". Letter of appreciation. Supervisor: Nurgaliyeva A.A.

- International distant competition " The consonance of landscape lyrics of Abay and Pushkin". The award in the nomination "The best research article".

- XLIX Republican scientific-practical conference "Youth of XXI century - key factor of competitiveness of Kazakhstan in modern world": A.A. Nurgaliyeva.

- Total Dictation. Letter of appreciation from the head of the "Total Dictant" project, Director of the Foundation for the support of citizens' linguistic culture.

- Science, Education and Culture "Asymmetry of the endemic concept fir and problems of its representation in the Russian language". Certificate of the chief editor of the publishing house "Problems of Science".

- Translation of Advertising Texts in the Aspect of Intercultural Communication. Вестник КИУ (The bulletin of KIU) No. 2 (25) 2019.

- The essence of translation as intercultural communication A letter of thanks for active participation, Certificate of participant of the Republican scientific and methodical conference "Transformation of education: content, technology, quality".