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Nurmanov Erbol

Nurmanov Erbol


Candidte of Agricultural sciences,
Associate Professor
Office 5120, tel.+7 (7172) 31-75-89

Sphere of scientific interests

Crop production, horticulture, soil science, agricultural chemistry, agriculture

Delivered disciplines

Agrochemistry, System of application of fertilizers, System of fertilizer of cultures in grop rotations 

Main research areas

Influence of mineral fertilizers and biological indicators of soil fertility and yield, and quality varieties of oilseeds and potatoes.


1995-2000 - Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin;

2003-2006 - Internal postgraduate study. 06.01.04 – Аgrochemistry. Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin;


2002-2003 – Trainee researcher of the Department of Agroecology and Agrochemistry, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seyfullin;.
2003-2006 – Internal postgraduate study, Department of soil science and Agrochemistry, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seyfullin;
2007-2013 – Lecturer, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Agroecology and Agrochemistry, Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seyfullin;
2013-2014 – Coordinator for Agriculture, JSC "KazAgroInnovation";
2014-2015 – Research Deputy Director. Karaganda Institute of Plant Breeding and Selection, "KazAgroInnovation";
Science 2018 – Associate professor of Soil science and Agrochemistry, the Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seyfullin.

Awards and Honors

  1. Certificate of honor «За вклад в развитие научного обеспечения АПК, интеграции образования и науки» with the 55th anniversary of the KazATU S.Seifullin, JSC "KazAgroInnovation", the Ministry of Agriculture, Аstаnа, 2012;
  2. Certificate of honor «С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінің 55 жылдығына орай оқу-ғылыми, тәрбие үрдісін жетілдіруде және жоғары білікті мамандарды дайындауда қосқан қомақты үлесі мен жемісті еңбегі үшін». Аstаnа, 2012

Advanced training courses 

  1. Seminar «Thomson Reuters для научных исследований», the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seyfullin, 2012.
  2. Doctoral studies in Malaysia «ELC English Language Company Malaysia», Kuala Lumpur, 2015.

National and international meetings

  1. Scientific internship in Malaysia «ELC English Language Company Malaysia» Kuala Lumpur, December, 2015;
  2. Republican Scientific-Theoretical Conference "Seifullin reading-12: Youth in science - innovation potential of the future", Astana, April, 2016
  3. "Organic agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Present and Future", International Scientific-Practical Conference on Organic Farming Astana, June-July, 2016;
  4. "Scientific and innovative basis for the development of potato, vegetable and melon growing in the Republic of Kazakhstan", International Scientific-Practical Conference, Kaynar, July, 2016;
  5. "The 14th International Symposium on Biological Control of Pests and Biotechnology", International Scientific-Practical Conference, Pushkin, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 6 -9 November, 2016;
  6. Scientific internship, University of Putra, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 20-30 December, 2016

Publiched works

Author of more than 60 scientific papers. The most important for a submission:

1.    Meaningful management of soil fertility and flax productivity. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13(16), 787. Cite Score 2020 – 2,1. Percentile – 55. 
2.    Продуктивность и качество семян сортов горчицы в зависимости от минерального питания и применения удобрений. Международный сельскохозяйственный журнал. 2020. № 2. С. 63-66.
3.    Масличные культуры – важное звено в диверсификации зернового производства. Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. 2020. № 6-1 (96). С. 161-163.
4.    Куришбаев А.К., Черненок В.Г., Нурманов Е.Т., Серикпаева Ж.К., Жанзаков Б.Ж., Ошакбаева Ж.Е., Муминова Ш.С., Тастанбекова Г.Р., Балғабаев А.М., Ажиметова Г.Н., Кашкаров А.А. Түркістан облысы жағдайында майбұршақтың өнімділігіне тыңайтқыштардың әсері. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С.Сейфуллина. - 2022. - №24(115). – Ч.1. - Б.227-237.
5.    Zhanzakov B., Chernenok V., Persikova T., Nurmanov Y., Kuzdanova R., Serikpaeva Zh.The role of moisture conditions in the formation of yield and responsiveness of Lens culinaris (L.) to phosphate fertilizersBulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 28 (No 5) 2022, 783–793 CiteScore – 1,2 46%
6.    B.Khamzina, B.Bulashev, Y.Nurmanov, T.Tultabayeva, N.Nurmukhanbetova, D.Toimbayeva, A.Igimbay, G.Myrzabayeva. The effects of ammonium phosphate fertilization on yield and yield components of Mustard varieties in chernozem soil.Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 2023, 12(2), 169 - 176CiteScore 2022 – 2,2 49%