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Nurtaeva Zhanara

Nurtaeva Zhanara


Senior lecture of  «Management and

marketing» chair, master of economics

Office 1427, tel. +7(7172)39-82-08



Sphere of scientific interests

Improving operational management, studing the feature of the development of small and medium sized businesses in the field of agro-industrial complex

Delivered disciplines

Operations management, Small and large business management, Strategic management, SMM marketing


1988 – 1993

Kazakh Agricultural Institute of Order of the Red Banner of Labor (Kaz ORBL AI), specialty - «Economics and Management in AIC branches»


Kazakh State Agrarian University, part-time postgraduate course

2012-2014 St. Petersburg State Agricultural University, Faculty of Economics, specialty - “Economics”
2017 to present time Kazakh Agro Technical University S.Seifullina, doctoral candidate, Department of Economics

Work experience

1993-2007 Kazakh Agricultural Institute of Order of the Red Banner of Labor

2007-2010 Senior lecture of the chair Economics and Management in Transport Academy of transport and communications by M.Tinishbayev

2014 to present time senior lecturer of the chair «Management and marketing» of S.Seifullin KazATU

Advanced training courses

1. Educational technologies and didactic models, Almaty, Almaty Technological University

2. Agribusiness, Almaty Kazakh Agrarian National Research University

3. Pedagogical education of the XXI century, Belarus, Minsk, SCLAD-online platform

4. Basics of creating educational animated video content, Astana, RICH LLP

5. Advanced technologies and use for education in Kazakhstan, UK, London

6. Modernization of higher education in Central Asia through new technologies.

7. Inclusive professional education: modern view and approaches. Belarus, Minsk, SCLAD-online platform

8. Exponential Innovation. Nobel Fest

Publiched works

1. Formation and development of the dairy market and its economic efficiency in North Kazakhstan (Akmolinsky region) в базе данных Скопус в журнале Journal of applied Economic Science,2018.

2. Ақмола облысы мысалында сүт нарығын дамытуға кедергі келтіретін факторлар/ Международная научно-практическая конференция «Маркетинг и логистика: современные вызовы и тенденции в эпоху информационных технологий», Университет «Туран» г.Алматы, 11 мая 2018 г.

3. Современные методы стимулирования сбыта // Научно-практический электронный журнал Аллея Науки. – 2018. - №4(20).

4. Применение инструментов маркетинга в деятельности предприятия // Научно-практический электронный журнал Аллея Науки. – 2018. - №5(21).

5. Приоритеты интеграции в легкой промышленности стран-участниц ЕАЭС// Научно-практический электронный журнал «Аллея Науки». – 2018. - №5(21).

6. SWOT-анализ состояния легкой промышленности ЕАЭС// Научно-практический электронный журнал «Аллея Науки». – 2018. - №5(21).

7. Development small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan в базе данных ККСОН в Вестнике журнала Туран, 2018

8. Effective human capital management as growth factor in the agricultural production sector» в базе данных Скопус в журнале Journal of advanced research in law and economics,2019

9. Приоритетные направления развития переработки молока в Северном Казахстане. Вестник сельскохозяйственной науки РК,2019

10. Analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators of milk production and processing at the enterprises of the Akmola region. В базе данных Скопус в журнале Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 2022, 16, pp. 69–79.