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Okutayeva Saule Tolegenovna

Okutayeva Saule Tolegenovna


PhD,  associate professor in Economics

010001, Nur-Sultan, Zhenis av., 62



Sphere of scientific interests

The competitiveness of agrarian economy, cluster development of the economy, social entrepreneurship

Delivered disciplines

Entrepreneurship, International Economics, Foreign economic activity of enterprise

The main research directions

The competitiveness of agrarian economy, cluster development of the economy, social entrepreneurship

Experience in research projects

  1. 2015-2017 - Assessment of the socio-economic potential of different organizational forms of agricultural entities in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan" (contractor).
  2. 2015-2017 - "A study of the relationship of the flow of ethnic migration to the development of agriculture and the development of recommendations to attract and recruit ethnic migrants in agriculture (on materials of Akmola region)" (contractor).

Master, Doctoral students working under the guidance

Akan Assen, Anas Bakkozhayev, Ruzana Ospanova, Ainur Rakhimzhanova,

Zhanna Nugumanova, Asel Urazova, Aidana Kenzhebayeva, Samal Kalieva


1995 - 2000

Akmola agricultural Institute, faculty of Economics, economist-Manager in APK

2007 - 2009

Master's degree in Kazakh Agro Technical University, faculty of Economics 6M050600 "Economy"


Doctoral studies at the Kazakh Agro Technical University, faculty of Economics, 6D050600 "Economy"



Work experience

2000 - 2008      

Assistant, senior lecturer of Economic theory Department of the S. Seifullin Kazakh State Agrotechnical University

2008 - 2008

Expert of strategic planning Department at JSC "KazAgroMarketing"

2009 - 2017  

Senior lecturer of the chair of Economic theory and law of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University

2017- 2018

Senior lecturer of the Department of Economy

2018 - the current period

associate professor in Economics



Awards and Honours

2012 certificate of merit in honor of the 55th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU

2017 is a jubilee medal in honor of the 60th anniversary S. Seifullin KATU

Republic and International meetings

  1. Internship in the framework of doctoral studies in June of 2015 at the Plovdiv Agricultural University (Bulgaria)
  2. Foreign research trip to Czech University of natural sciences, Prague, November 2015
  3. «Extension Service and Applied Scientific Research in Agriculture» 2018, Israel

Delivered disciplines

Entrepreneurship, International economics, Foreign economic activity of the enterprise


  1. January 12-18, 2018 “Economic growth and structural transformations in the country's economy”, ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, Astana
  2. Refresher courses "Transformation of the educational process in the framework of the implementation of the program" Digital Kazakhstan ". Public association" Eurasian Institute for System Research ", 04/12/2019
  3. "Entrepreneurship" Emin Askerov course, July 2019
  4. Certificate of participation in the III Forum of young scientists "Burabay Forum: international cooperation of Kazakhstan" August 6-9, 2019
  5. Certificate "General English", 120 hours, level A2, from 08/22/2019.
  6. "Social Entrepreneurship" Emin Askerov course, October 25-26, 2019
  7. November 7-8, 2019 scientific seminar "Succesful grant writing", Taraz
  8. Certificate of participation in the XIII international scientific conference "Innovative development and demand for science in modern Kazakhstan", November 7-8, 2019

Published works

More than 30 works were published. The most significant of them are represented by following disciplines:

  1. The competitive improvement of the livestock branch on the base of the regional cluster organization in Akmola region// Theoretical and scientific-practical journal "Problems of the agricultural market" Almaty, Kazakhstan, April-June 2016 - p. 140-146
  2. Механизмы государственной поддержки аграрного сектора в Казахстане// Economics and statistics. The Ministry of National economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee on statistics, N 1, 2017, pp. 67-77
  3. Development of Regional Meat Cluster as Means to Raise the Competitiveness of Livestock Industry// International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 2016, Vol.11, N7, 2057-2070
  4. Development of Regional Livestock Cluster in Kazakhstan as a Method to Improve Competitiveness// International Journal of Economic Research, 2017, Vol.14, No.7, P.223-237