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Omarova Gulnar Tursunovna

Omarova Gulnar Tursunovna


Master of pedagogical sciences,

senior lecturer in Russian language and kazahckogo

Cabinet in 2613, tel. + 7-778-437-57-28



Research interests

Onomastics, regional place names, terminology, intercultural communication

Teaching disciplines

Russian languages; Professional Russian language


1985-1990 gg. Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute S.Seifullin, Faculty of Philology

In 2012-2014. Graduate at KATU them. S.Seifullin, department of vocational training


1990-1993gg. teacher of Russian language and literature - Tselinograd region, Krasnoznamensk area Konurtyubekskaya High School

1993-1998 gg. Department of Agrarian University Russian language assistant

  1. - Present senior lecturer of the Kazakh and Russian languages, Kazakh Agro Technical University. S.Seifullin.

Awards and diplomas

- Letter of thanks of the rector (Kazakh Agro Technical University S.Seifullin, 08.03.2003g.).

- Jubilee Medal for the 55th anniversary of KazATU them. S.Seifullin.


Refresher courses at the State Institute of Russian Language AS Pushkin (Moscow, Russia, with a certificate 15.01.04 - 15.02.04g.g.).

according to Thomson Reuters resources for research workshop - Thomson Reuters Scientific, Scholarly Research 19.04.2012.

Seminar "Communication Technologies in Education: Achievements and Prospects", Barnaul, 28.03.2013g.

Seminar "Formation of professional training of future teachers ethnopedagogical culture" 22.09.2013g., Ekaterinburg, Russia.

Urban methodical seminar for teachers of Astana on actual problems of modern education, the University "Turan Astana", November, 2015


Author of over 40 scientific papers. The most important for a submission: 

  1. Written language as the one of the ways in students’ cognitive activity. III regional practical conference «Problems of Education. The way of solving», Мoscow region,  Dubna, April 21-22, 2016 .
  2. «Problems of language contacts in sociolinguistic lighting» Digest of materials XVIX International scientific-practical conference. Scientific discussion: the questions of philology, art and culture. - № 6 (45). - М., «Internauka», 2016. (118-122pp)
  3. The content of critical thinking technology in  formation of students’ communicative competence. The Khabarshy  of             Euroasian humanitarian institution , №1, 2016., 115-118 pp.
  4. Place names surrounding area of Astana in the historical and cultural understanding. The materials of the round table dedicating to K.M. Abishova’s anniversary, on the theme "Integrated and synergetic approach to the contemporary science". 08 апреля 2016 Аstana, 2016. 164 – 168pp.
  5. The national, ethnic and cultural Identity of Russian and Kazakh languages. International Journal of innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. April 2016. P. 41 - 42. The Impact factor of IJTEE is 3,48
  6. Topologies’ Stylistic functions of the South Kazakhstan in S. Mukhanov’s  European Research: innovation and technologj. 14 International scientific and practical conference. London. United Kingdom. 23-24 March, 2016
  7. Toponymic tradition in S. Seifullin’s works . «Seyfullin readings-12: Youth on the way of science – future innovational potencial» Republican scientific-practical conference,  KAZATU, April 22 ,  (Volume 2, part 2), 84-87 pp.                                                               
  8. The role of Topology in the youth’s upbringing . III regional scientific-practical conference «Education Problems and their solutions» Моscow region,  Dubna, April 21-22  2016 г..
  9. Ethnolinguistic aspect terminology properties Russian and Kazakh languages Scientific Journal «Eurasian Union of Scientists» with indexation in international scientific databases, 2016 31-34pp. Мoscow, December 29-30, №12(21)/2015 часть 4. ISBN 2411-467.
  10. Features the use of place names in S. Mukhanov’s   The 12th   International scientific-practical conference "European research: innovation in science, education and technology." 85-87pp Мoscow, January 23-24,  2016 .
  11. The development of students’ critical thinking at the subject of Russian language. Contemporary problems of social-humanitarian sciences: Digest of reports 4 International scientific-practical distant conference(April 29, 2016.)23-27pp. Кazan, 2016
  12. Toponymy as a historical and cultural memory of different historical epochs. Electronic scientific journal Current scientific research and innovation
  13. The permanent nature of the interaction Khmelnytsky scientific-practical conference "The role of science in development. Yekaterinburg. May 13, 2016 The content of the ethno-cultural pedagogical education in Kazakhstan Australian Journal of Education and Science, “Sydney University Press”, 2016, № 1(17). – P. 11-16. Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 4.572 SC Imago Journal Rank (SJR): 4.235
  14. The functioning of phytotoponims in Kazakhstan.« Seyfullin readings-12: Youth on the way of science – future innovational potencial» Republican scientific-practical conference,  KAZATU, April 22 ,  2016. (Volume 2, part 2), 84-87 pp.           
  15. FolktalesasoneofthemeansofyoutheducationАктуальныевопросыгуманитарныхисоциальныхнаук: оттеориикпрактике. Межд.  научно-практическойконференции. Чебоксары, ноябрь 2022.;
  16. The folklore image of Baba Yaga and the mythological image of the witch in the works of oral folk art.Topical issues of the humanities and social sciences: from theory to practice. International scientific and practical conference. Cheboksary, January, 2023. pp. 11-12.        
  17. A system of exercises using the case study method in the classroom of professional Russian. Collection of scientific papers. XV International Conference. The time of scientific progress. February 23. 2024.-Volgograd, pp. 25-29.;    
  18. Symbolic means in the works of A.Potemkin. Topical issues of the humanities and social sciences: from theory to practice. international scientific and practical conference. Cheboksary, January 2023. pp.35-36.;
  19. Functioning of phytotoponyms on the territory of Kazakhstan. Topical issues of the humanities and social sciences: from theory to practice.  Interd.scientific and practical conference. Cheboksary, January, 2023 . pp. 37-38;
  20. Comprehensive text analysis for the development of students' communicative competencies in Russian language classes Education, innovation, research as a resource for community development. All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation .  Cheboksary, Wednesday, January 16, 2024, pp. 267-269.