Main / ППС / Omarova Safura Karaulbekovna
Omarova Safura Karaulbekovna

Omarova Safura Karaulbekovna


Master of Pedagogical Sciences,

Office 2614, tel. +7 (7172) 38-40-04



Sphere of scientific interests

Using ICT in foreign language teaching

Delivered disciplines

Practical English (Bachelor’s)

English for Academic Purposes (Bachelor’s)

Business English (Bachelor’s) 

The main areas of research

The use of mobile technology in foreign language teaching

Research and educational projects

Grant financing project for 2012-2014. MES RK "Development of innovative methodological technologies for language training of specialists in technical higher institutions of RK", performer (2012-2014).

598661-EPP-1-2018-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Developing Services for Individuals with Disabilities” - “DECIDE”, executor (2018 - 2021)


2004–2008 yy.

E.A. Buketov Karaganda state university Foreign languages faculty, foreign language  teaching department

Major: English and German languages

Qualification: teacher of English and German.  

2008 –2010 yy.

E.A. Buketov Karaganda state university Foreign languages faculty, foreign language  teaching department

Major: English and German languages

Major: foreign languages: two foreign languages

2015-2019 yy.

Tomsk State pedagogical university

Foreign languages faculty, Department of Romano-Germanic Philology and foreign languages teaching methods

Direction of training: 44.06.01 Education and pedagogical Sciences

Profile: Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing (in foreign languages; levels of general and higher education)

Qualification: Researcher. The lecturer-researcher


Work experience

2008-2009 yy.

E.A. Buketov Karaganda state university

Foreign languages faculty, foreign language  teaching department A lecturer of English

20012-2015 yy.

A lecturer

Karaganda state technical university

Foreign Languages Department

2017- 2018 yy.

Public Fund “National Translation Bureau”

2018-2019 yy.

Education Centre “Tensai Education”


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University

Foreign Languages Department, Assistant


Taught disciplines:



Teaching English in Higher Education, 2020;

Innovative technologies for teaching a foreign language at the university, 2019;

Competence approach in foreign language teaching in the context of distance learning, 2020.

Published works

Author of over 30 scientific papers. The most important papers are presented in the following areas:

  1. Omarova, S.K. Creation and application of a mobile educational dictionary in the practice of foreign language professionally oriented teaching / S.K. Omarova // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. - 2017. - No. 1 (178). - S. 110-113.
  2. Omarova, S.K. Characteristics and didactic potential of mobile digital technologies for foreign languages teaching ​​/ S.K. Omarova // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. - 2018. - No. 1 (190). - S. 52-58.
  3. Omarova, S.K. Modern trends in education in the era of digitalization / S.K. Omarova // Pedagogy: Questions of theory and practice. - Tambov: Diploma, 2018. - №1. - S. 78-83.
  4. Omarova, S.K. On the problem of design principles for mobile learning in a foreign language / S.K. Omarova // Science and Education All-Russian Science Festival NAUKA 0+: Materials of the XXII International Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists (April 16–20, 2018). - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2018. - Volume II. - Part 3. - S. 130-133.
  5. Omarova, S.K. Features of modern foreign language education in higher education / S.K. Omarova // Pedagogy today: problems and solutions: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference (April 19, 2017). - Chita: Young Scientist Publishing House, 2017. - P.58-60.
  6. Omarova, S.K. Essence and structural and functional characteristics of foreign language mobile learning / S.K. Omarova // Sciences of Europe. - Praha, 2017 .-- VOL 3. - No 18 (18). - C.35-38.
  7. Omarova, S.K. Didactic properties of mobile technologies of foreign language teaching ​​/ S.K. Omarova // Language and culture: Collection of articles of the XXVIII international scientific conference (September 25-27, 2017). - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University, 2018 .-- S. 389-396.
  8. Omarova, S.K. Characteristics of the elements of an educational project based on ICT, contributing to the high quality of foreign language teaching in a higher educational institution / S.K. Omarova // Questions of modern scientific research: Proceedings of the international conference (October 12, 2019). - Omsk, 2019.