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Ospanov Timur

Ospanov Timur


Master of art sciences

Senior lecturer of Department of architecture and design

Contact phone: +7 (7172) 39-75-59



Sphere of scientific interests Architectural advertising, the interaction of architecture and advertising

Delivered disciplines Elements and processes of profile design 1, 2, Arch. Project 8,9. Advertising in architectural environment.


2012             Kazakh Agro Technical University named under S.Seifullin

2014             Kazakh Agro Technical University named under S.Seifullin Master degree

Work  experience

2013             Kazakh Agro Technical University named under S.Seifullin

Awards and Honors

Diploma of the second degree in the workshop «Reconstruction of the park to them. Gorky». Russia, Kazan, 2013

Advanced training courses

2012 - certificate for participation in the workshop Russia, Kazan, Kazan State University of Architecture and Construction.

Certificate of training at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University. Czech Republic, Prague, 2013.

Published works

  1. «Организация архитектурной среды с учетом потребностей людей с ограниченными возможностями». KazATU by S. Seifullin, 2013.
  2. «Архитектурная среда с учетом потребностей людей с ограниченными возможностями». KazGASA, 2014.
  3. «Функциональная и архитектурно-планировочная организация реабилитационных пространств для инвалидов». KazNTU, 2013.
  4. «Функциональная и архитектурно-планировочная организация реабилитационных пространств для инвалидов»//XXXIV International extramural scientific-practical conference.
  5. «Scientific discussion: questions of technical sciences», Moscow, 2013.