Main / ППС / Pernebayev Tagabek Beysenovich
Pernebayev Tagabek Beysenovich

Pernebayev Tagabek Beysenovich


 Retired сolonel,
 head of the military department 
 Office 307, tel. +7 (7172) 39-40-28 (210)

Sphere of Scientific Research

Perfection of a technique and organization of tactical training

Delivered disciplines

Military topography, military regulations of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan methods of educational work, tactical training, a common tactic

1982 - 1987  Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology, "Agricultural building" specialty

Work experience

1994 The commander of the platoon flue chimney company trimmed Chemical Battalion
1994-1995 The commander of the company trimmed flue chemical battalion
1995-2000 The commander of the cropped Chemical Battalion

2000-2002 Teacher of the military department of the Akmola Agrarian University
2002-2003 Senior Lecturer of the military department of the Akmola Agrarian University

2003-2010 Head of the cycle - the senior teacher of the military department of Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S.Seifullin

2010-2011  Deputy head of the military department - Head of Studies of the military department of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University

2012-2014 Teacher of the military department of  S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

2014-2016 Senior Lecturer of the military department of the Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin

2016 to the present Head of the military department of the cycle Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S.Seifullin

Awards and Honors

- Medal "10 Years of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan"

- Medal of II degree

- Medal of III degree

Advanced Training Corses

Courses " military training program for reserve officers, "Institute for Advanced Studies, 2013

Courses "Organization of pedagogical activities in the military departments," Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013

Published works

  1. Мериняну Д.И., Пернебаев Т.Б. Учебно-методическое пособие по строевой подготовке, 2013г.
  2. Мериняну Д.И., Пернебаев Т.Б. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал саптық дайындық, 2013 ж.
  3. Дуламбаев Т.А., Досумов К.Д., Пернебаев Т.Б. Боевое применение мотострелковых подразделений, частей, соединений на БМП / учебное пособие, 2014 г. 
  4. Пернебаев Т.Б. Особенности организации боевых действий МСБ в вооруженных конфликтах средней интенсивности / Вестник академии военных наук, 2015г.