Main / ППС / Rakhimgulov Kabylbek Kanatovich
Rakhimgulov Kabylbek Kanatovich

Rakhimgulov Kabylbek Kanatovich


Reserve  major,

senior teacher of   the military training  department

Office  213, tel. +7 (7172) 39-40-28


Sphere of scientific interests

Operations analysis in modern local engagement

Delivered disciplines

March drill, regulations of military forces, military topography, road traffic regulations, vehicular movement and fundamentals of  driving license,  firing instruction,  vehicular service and military truck of transportation , operational of service tactical vehicle, remount of  tactical vehicls,  general tactics


1980-1984 Tashkent higher military-tank commandcollege named after P.S. Rybalko, specialty “commanding tactical wheeled and tracked vehicle”             

Work experience

1984-1985 Commanding Officer of the Tank Platoon of the Tank Division combined-arms Army at the Central Asian Military command region

1985 -1987 Commanding Officer of the Tank Platoon Guards Motor Rifle Regiment Guards Motorized Rifle Division

1987-1988 Commanding Officer of the Tank Platoon Guards Tank Regiment Panzer Division

1988-1989 Deputy Commander for Armaments Guards Tank Regiment, Panzer Division of Panzer Army

1989  Deputy commander of the tank company armament  Guards Tank Regiment Panzer Division of Panzer Army

1989 -1990 Deputy commander of the tank company armament Panzer Regiment of Panzer Division

1990-1991 Commander Maintenance Company  SAM  Panzer Regiment  Panzer Army

1991 From 1991 to 1995dismissed in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense № 016 of 11.01.1991, the seconded by replacing troops at the disposal of the Commander

1995-1996 Regiment of Panzer Division  Army Corps

2001-2012 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Military Training Department, a teacher  

since 2012 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Military Training  Department,  a senior teacher

Awards and Honours

- Medal "70 years of the USSR Armed Forces”

-  Medal “For Battle Merit”

- Medal “ From a grateful Afghan people”

- Order “Red Star”

- Medal “25 years of withdrawal from Afghanistan"

- Certificate of city Soviet “Otan”

- Certificate of  Honour of the Ministry of Defense  of the Republic of Kazakhstan

- Diploma of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science

Advanced training courses

Seminar “ Military training program for reserve officers” Institute for Continuing Education, 2006

Seminar “Organization of pedagogical activities in the military departments” President's  Academy of  government control, 2013

Published works

  1. Авдеенко М.С., Толкачев М.Ф., Ибрагимов А.Д., Ергалиев К.Д., Рахимгулов К.К., Сухинин А.А. Методические указания для изучения и отработки нормативов по специальной подготовке, 2012 г.
  2. Рахимгулов К.К., Толкачев М.Ф., Хихлушко В.П., Сухинин А.А. Методические указания к проведению занятий по теме «Техническое обслуживание ВАТ» по дисциплине «Эксплуатация военной автомобильной техники», 2014г.
  3. Рахимгулов К.К. Применение автомобилей в Вооруженных Силах и их классификация. Военно-теоретический журнал «Ориентир» Национального университета обороны, 2014г.
  4. Ергалиев К.Д., М.Ф.Толкачев, В.П.Хихлушко, К.К.Рахимгулов, А.А.Сухинин ӘАТ-ны пайдалану мамандығы бойынша ӘАТ техникалық қызмет көрсету тақырыбына сабақ өткізу жөніндегі әдістемелік нұсқау, 2015 ж.