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Kuankul Sharipovna Rahkmatulina

Kuankul Sharipovna Rahkmatulina


Senior lecturer



Scientific sphere

Forestry (plantations forest cultivation, silvicultural-environmental evalution of woody plants)

Delivered disciplines

Dendrology, forest nurseries, forest seed business, general forestry, modern problems of forest science

Scientific research work

1.Monitoring of the state of natural regeneration of pine forests in the SNNP "Burabay" (2019-2023).

2. Study of phenomena and processes in the natural complex of the SNNP "Burabay" and fixing the results in the "Chronicle of Nature" (annually).

Master students working under her supervision




Higher education in the specialty "Forest and Park Economy" Kazakh National Agrarian University

Work experience


Junior researcher of the department of science, information and environmental monitoring of the SNNP "Burabay" UDP RK.

2022 present time senior lecturer at forest resources and forestry, S.Seifullin KATU

Awards and Honours 

- Gratitude of the director of the SNNP "Burabay" UDP RK "For contribution to forestry", 2015

Advanced training courses

- for participation in a 36-hour off-line&on-line professional development workshop on Management of forestes and natural resources (on the case of forestry of the USA. Nepal and Kazakhstan) conducted by Andrew Egan, Professor at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College at Tifton, USA. December 05-09, Astana, 2022.

Published works

1. Miraculous place in Kokshe region - microclimate of Burabay / K.Sh.Rakhmatulina, E.V.Arhipov // S.Seifullin at.KazATU Science Herald. – 2020. - No. 4 (107). - Q. 11-19.

2. Sources affecting the forest ecology of the Burabay State National Natural Park / S.Zh. Baltasheva, K.Sh. Rakhmatulina, V.M. Nugmanova // "CONSERVATION OF THE FOREST ECOSYSTEM" devoted to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Burabay State National Natural Park AND INNOVATIONS IN ITS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" MATERIALS of the international scientific and technical conference.-2020.- P.32-36.

3. The influence of recreation on the natural regeneration of pine forests GNPP "Burabay" / V.M. Nugmanova, K.Sh. Rakhmatulina // "INNOVATIONS IN THE PRESERVATION OF THE FOREST ECOSYSTEM AND ITS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the state national natural park "Burabay" MATERIALS of the scientific and technical conference.-2020.- P.147-151.

4. Climate of Lake Jokei / K.Sh.Rakhmatulina // MATERIALS of the international scientific-practical conference "Current problems of science and education in the field of natural and agricultural sciences" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor V.V.Polyakov/ M. Kozybaev North Kazakhstan State University, Petropavlovsk, 2020.