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Sagatova Bayan Akanovna

Sagatova Bayan Akanovna


Senior Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages

Room 2615, тел. +7(707)843-31-74



Sphere of scientific interests

Modern technologies of teaching foreign languages in the context of digitalization of education 


1978–1982   yy. Tselinograd Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Teacher of English 


1982-1998 yy.  Secondary school number 14, Teacher of English, second category

1998-2000 yy.  Modern Economic Lyceum, English Teacher

2000-2002 yy.  Senior English teacher, KATU named after S. Seifullin

2002-2004 yy.  KATU named after S. Seifullin, Head of the Department of World Languages

2004 у. – currently   Senior English teacher, KATU named after S. Seifullin

Awards, certificates of honor

Certificate of honor "For the development of the educational process of the university and the training of highly qualified specialists in the agricultural sector", 2016.

Jubilee medal "60th anniversary of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University", KazATU named after S. Seifullina, 2017.

Certificate of honor "For the development of the educational process of the university", 2018.

Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Achievements in the field of education and for contribution to the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan", 2018. 


  1. Agrarian engineering - Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. Seifullin 23.01.2012 (50) - 6,18.
  2. Textbook for students of the Faculty of Architecture, «English for Designers» – Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. Seifullin 19.12.2013 (50),6,18
  3. «Innovative Development and Innovative Technologies in Education».- Republican scientific journal "Bulletin of Science Kaz. ATU "January 2015№1(84)
  4. 2020, May: publication of the article “iScience Actual scientific research in the modern world” 5 (61) issue 8 part “Comparative method in teaching English” (4 pages)
  5. 2020, May: publication of the article “iScience Actual scientific research in the modern world” 5 (61) issue 8 part “Effective methods of Teaching Grammar” (4 pages)
  6. 2020, May: publication of the article “iScience Actual scientific research in the modern world” 5 (61) issue 8 part “Bilimgulism and difficulties in Teaching English Prepositions” (4 pages)