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Sagindykova Ardak Sanekeevna

Sagindykova Ardak Sanekeevna


Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages

Office 2614, tel.: +7(7172)38-40-04



Sphere of scientific interests

Theory and methods of teaching a foreign language

Subjects taught

English for Bachelors

The main directions of research

Theory and methods of teaching a foreign language


1986–1991 yy.

Almaty, Almaty Pedagogical Institute of foreign languages,

Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of German

Specialty: teacher of German and English


Work experience

1991–2009 yy.

English teacher at school №39.

2009–2019 yy.

Senior lecturer of the Department of English at  Karaganda State Technical University.

2019 in pr.t. yy.

Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at  S. Seifullin KATU.


Awards, certificates of honor

Winner of the International Scholarship "Bolashak"2012; was awarded the Jubilee Medal "100 years since the birth of Academician A. S. Saginov" for the great contribution to the development of the University at KarSTU, 2015.

Professional advancement        

«Orleu» advanced training course among university teachers at the national level, 2016.

Improvement of the course «Interdisciplinary communication as a means of implementing an integrative approach in multilingual education», 2018.

Advanced training courses. Republican scientific and practical seminar «Implementation of multilingual education in the modern education system», 2017.



  1. Сагиндыкова А.С. «Критическое мышление как основа для постоянного развития педагога». Вестник ПГУ, педагогическая серия №3. 2018 г.
  2. Сагиндыкова А.С. «Актуальные проблемы научного знания». Новые технологии ТЭК-2017. Сургутский институт нефти и газа. 2017 г.
  3. Сагиндыкова А.С. «Методы и приемы эффективного обучения иностранному языку» // «Актуальные научные исследование в современном мире». іScience 1(57) серия №5., 2019 г.
  4. Сагиндыкова А.С. «Critical thinking as the basis for continuous teacher development». The way of Science (72 ) серия №2, 2019 г.
  5. Сагиндыкова А.С. «Важность дистанционного обучения» // iScience Актуальные научные исследование в современном мире. (61) выпуск №5, 2020 г.
  6. Сагиндыкова А.С. «Language practice», Учебное пособие. Стр.1-151, UDC 372.881.111.1, ISBN 978-601-296-946-7.